Saturday, 29 January 2022

Brandon Turns Teenager (now there are two of them!)

So how did this happen, suddenly we have two teenagers in the house as Brandon turned 13 today. It really doesn't seem that long ago that we were changing their nappies and now both Josh and Brandon are teenagers. Time really does fly.

Brandon's main present for his 13th birthday was a new Thrustmaster steering wheel and pedal set which he wanted for his PC/Playstation. Then he got mostly new clothes, belts, some aftershave and a Hashtag football training jacket and winter training jacket. Two of his presents have not arrived yet as he wanted a new driving game for the PS5 which isn't released until Feb 24th, and then he also wanted some personalised racing driving gloves which take 6-8 weeks to manufacture.

The other nice surprise we had for him was to finally get him tickets to go to Harry Potter World next weekend. It is somewhere he has wanted to go for several years now but due to lockdowns and Covid restrictions he just hasn't had the chance. So from the family he has mostly asked for money as he has set himself a personal challenge to try and spend more than Amy in the Harry Potter gift shop.

As Tina was working last night we didn't do too much during the day to celebrate Brandon's birthday. We was going to go bowling but there was no lanes available until 10:30pm. So we went in to town as he wanted a Taco Bell for lunch. Tomorrow Tina is not working so we are going to go out and celebrate as a family with a nice meal (hopefully Nando's if we can get a table).

These balloons seemed a good idea until it came to time to blow them all up and then string them up.

Another teenager in the house, wearing his new Hashtag training jacket.

Testing out the new Thrustmaster T248 wheel on the PS5.

This wheel has a fancy display on the wheel and apparently better force feedback than his old wheel.

The pedals have a very realistic feel, especially the variable spring force brake pedal.

Wearing his new birthday jeans and fleece which he seems to really like.

We got him some sentimental knick-knacks to celebrate becoming a teenager.

And a 13th birthday coaster to go up on his desk in his bedroom.

His birthday cake was the Harry Potter owl.

Trying not to smile as we sing happy birthday to the birthday boy.

13 today.

Two teenagers in the house - god help us!!!!!

When did this one get so big? Did I blink and miss it?

Me and my birthday boy.

Mummy, Daddy and the birthday boy.

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Joshua's School Options

Why do kids grow up so quickly. Come Saturday Brandon is 13 meaning we have two teenagers in the house (god help us). Then we find out today that Joshua is already at the stage in secondary school where he has got to take his options!!!!

So we have an open evening at the school on March 2nd to discuss the options and then his decisions need to be made by March 18th. So we have a lot of thinking and planning to do with Joshua as he currently has no idea what he wants to do for a career.

He has to take English, Maths, Combined Science, Languages and Competitive Sport. Then on top of that he has 3 options. The first is a choice of either Geography or History. Then for the last two options he can pick any two subjects from a big long list.

Friday, 21 January 2022

Holly's Swimming Gala Update

Super proud of Holly. Last Friday she competed in her first swimming gala for Abacus school and apparently won all of her individual races. Their team overall ended up coming 3rd and the raly team also came 3rd despite Holly apparently winning her leg. I think she swam back stroke as that is her favourite and fastest stroke, although we are not 100% sure as no parents were allowed to watch this year due to Covid restrictions.

Superstar swimming from Holly.

Two new certificates to add to her collection.

Sunday, 16 January 2022

Top of the League

Brandon's Hashtag U13 football team is having their best ever season with only one loss to their record since September. They have now gone top of the league for the first time and still have a game in hand as well. The boys have come together in such a tight unit this season and are playing some really nice football. Lets hope they continue on this trajectory as the seriously have a good chance of winning their league.

Pre match picture today. Back row Ryan, Luke, Brandon, Josh, Oly, Hayden, Sharner, Jack and Aaron. Front row Freddie, Danny, Charlie, Zach, Harry, TK and Leyland.

Runwell in 2nd place played again today so now have 10 games against our 9. So we have a game in hand and are looking good for a league win.

Saturday, 8 January 2022

Mulligans Golf for the New Year

A little bit late on this blog update as it was almost a week ago now. On bank holiday Monday we decided to drag the troops out and make something of the day before the holidays end and we all go back to work and school. Tina was working at her new job at Tesco's all over Xmas so for the first time in over 30 years I didn't see the New Year in with her, it was just me and the 3 kids dancing around the coffee table with some snacks and drinks, but on the bank holiday Monday we even dragged Tina out as we headed to Mulligans for a round of crazy golf. No Joshua though as he decided to go the Dead Oak Lake with his mates for a day of fishing.

Anyway we had a really good afternoon at Mulligans which was won by Holly (with some cheating), closely followed by Brandon (without cheating), then me and Tina. We had quite a few holes on one and because it was fairly bus we actually managed to play quite a few of the holes several times as we couldn't move on to the next one.

Tina on hole 1 of the upstairs course.

Brandon finishes the Tetris hole where the screen advised Tina had to buy everyone a round of drinks!

Air hockey or crazy golf?

Holly's putt is a bit wild and more like a golf swing.

Around the race track, harder than it looks.

Brandon thought he had this one sorted by bouncing off the tires, but it didn't work.

I managed to nail this basketball loop in one, three times!

But Brandon couldn't do it.

A game of pool with a golf ball.

Brandon nailed this hole in one.

Space Invaders hole is a real case of pot luck as to where your ball comes out.

Fun on the football table. Shame it hasn't been looked after and some of the players heads are missing.

Brandon's turn.

End of the upstairs 9 holes, now downstairs for the fairground course.

First up the helter skelter.

Do you go around the bumper car or under the bumper car?

Holly and Brandon waiting for the next hole sitting in the bumper cars.

Punch and Judy hole is impossible to get a hole in one even if you hit the target perfect!

We tried so many times and no one really got close to a hole in one.

The Ferris wheel hole looks impressive, but it is pretty pointless. There is no real benefit of getting your ball on the wheel.

Holly smashes another ball at the Ferris wheel.

T-cups were quite easy as long as you get the ball in the red hole.

The Evil Knievil hole is very difficult. Brandon did the best and managed to jump 3 of the 4 or 5 buses.

Naughty Brandon thought this clown looked like his older brother!!!

End of round 2 and a fun afternoon. Now time to treat the kids to a McDonalds to finish off our last whole day together over the Xmas break.

Holly Tie Dye Southend Shirt

Holly got loads and loads of arts and crafts stuff for Xmas which has been keeping her really busy lately. One of her presents was a tie dye kit which she was desperate to try out. However the only white T-shirt we could find was an old Southend United polo shirt which the boys have outgrown. So Holly used this and I have to say it has come out pretty good. Holly being Holly, she decided to put in every single colour in to the the tie dye ball which left the t-shirt a brown sludge, needless to say I didn't have much hope on her first one being very good at all. But I am pleased to be proven wrong as it worked well.

Holly first home made tie dye shirt - Southend United's new strip?