Sunday, 21 April 2024

Rugby End of Year Presentation

Yesterday was Joshua's end of year rugby presentation and fortunately the weather held out for the annual BeeFest event (albeit a little cold!). The U16's were playing a touch rugby tournament against some other teams including the seniors and vets. But as Josh is a forward and touch rugby suits the faster lads, he opted not to play.

The presentation was really well thought out and summed up a really positive year which saw the boys hit their target of more wins than losses with 6W, 5L and 1D. Unfortunately only one picture of Joshua receiving his end of year medal and even that photo is washed out by the light from the windows.

So most of the pictures from BeeFest are from activities which Holly was getting involved in whilst Joshua was watching the touch rugby. Of course we also got to enjoy a nice hog roast roll and an ice cream to keep us fueled through the day.

Joshua receiving his medal at the end of the 2023/24 season presentation day.

Holly trying to hammer a nail in to a block of maple.

At times Holly was a handful, but luckily I could lock her in this and go and watch some rugby myself.

Holly on the little mini golf.

A quick nine holes.

Taking aim.

Through the back door and out the front door.

Between Joshua and Holly they won an England Rugby ball for a £5 (3 games) of throwing the ball through the net holes and then hitting the post.

Sunday, 7 April 2024

Brandon's Easter Valencia School Trip

The first week of Brandon's Easter half term has been exciting for him as he was off sunning himself in Valencia for a Geography school trip. It has been such an amazing experience for him and judging from the pictures and what he has told us, he had an absolutely incredible time. I won't add my usual commentary to each picture as these are all Brandon's pictures and I wasn't there. I have really just dumped them on the blog as a future memory for him to look back on.

It has been lovely to have him back home though as I am not sure he has been eating and drinking very well. He took £150 plus some money on his card which was supposed to be €30 a day for lunch plus some spending money. Breakfast and dinner were included with the hotel - but he never got up early enough for breakfast and he didn't eat much lunch as he spent all his money on a Jack Jones track suit and a Nike Jordan t-shirt and cap!!!!!!!!!

Anyay during their trip they had a guided tour of Albufera and Rice company, visited the Museo de las Fallas and Las Arenas beach, had a trip the world famous science and hydro and oceanography centre, a Buffet lunch and sightseeing of the Jardin de Turia and visited Sant Joseph caves for a boat excursion.

Mid trip we also received a really nice email from the trips lead teacher saying how proud she was of all the kids and how well they had all behaved and were a credit to the school and the parents and that she couldn't be there with a nicer group of kids. Anyway here is the dump of all the pictures we received from the trip.