Saturday, 25 January 2025

Tina's Mini-me?

Earlier this week Holly was asked to take a picture to school of someone in her family and she chose a very old picture of Tina when she was around Holly's age. When Holly showed the picture in class apparently everyone was asking Holly why she brought in a picture of herself and not Tina as apparently they look so alike. I can't see it myself, but that is often the way when you live with those people day in and day out. But we do seem to get lots of comments about how alike the two of them are. Anyway here are the pics, judge for yourself. 

Tina and her Mini-me, or Tina and Holly?

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Brandon's Final Beauchamp's Year 11 Photo

Brandon is now well in to his final year at Beauchamp's and has already sat 3x ICT exams and his French speaking. More mocks in February and then it is the big build up to the finals. Anyway last week all of Year 11 got to have their picture taken and as with Joshua we purchased a copy to put in his collectable box for the future. This may not be the final, final Beauchamp's picture for Brandon as it is looking likely that he might stay on for 6th form now and has submitted his application and had the interview, now he just needs to get the grades. Could be tough even with getting good grades as they apparently have circa 120 spaces available for 6th form and almost 250 applications!!!!!!


Friday, 10 January 2025

Joshua's First Wages Treat

Joshua worked all through December at Tesco's doing loads of extra shifts and on the 3rd Jan he got his very first pay check (and a very hefty one it was too). Unfortunately the role was a Xmas temp position and thus Tesco's have not kept him on. However he has the taste for money and work now and is very actively looking for a job on his own without us having to nag him!!!

We "advised" him to save as much of his wages as he can as will hopefully be buying and insuring his first car later in the year. However we did say to him that as it is his first wages he should really go and treat himself and buy something for just him. So what did he buy............... watch out Luke Littler, he comes the not so little Joshua. Yes he bought a dart board and set of darts for his bedroom. He has been after one for ages and loves watching the darts on TV. He needs a bit of practice as I gave him his first game of round the clock and 301 and won both.

Joshua's new dart board in his bedroom.

Regulation height and distance seems much higher and further than I remember!

Not sure this was the best idea as 11:30pm last night all we could hear was thud, thud, thud followed by foot steps (repeat!).

Watch out Luke Littler.

Holly's First Bank Card

Look at the pig girls with her first ever bank card. She has been nagging Tina to get this sorted for her all over Xmas so that she can start saving her pocket money.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Festive Ice Skating 2024 @ Riverside

As always I managed to squeeze in a Xmas Ice Skating session for the kiddies. Last year it was only me and H as the boys weren't interested and I think Tina was working. This year Brandon was keen to come skating and Tina wasn't working so whilst she didn't skate herself, she at least came along to watch and take some pictures. 

Holly did amazing and after only about half a lap being cautious on the side wall - she was off and flying around (she only fell over twice and neither was really her fault). Brandon also didn't take long to get his confidence back despite having not been in two years or so, as expected he didn't fall over once and towards the end he was even trying to skate backwards. All in all we spent nearly an hour and a half on the ice and then went for a nice Costa coffee afterwards (got to make the most of the Gingerbread Latte's before they stop selling them).

For me personally it occurred to me that I was probably in the top 3 or 4 people on the ice in terms of being the oldest. I wasn't sure whether I should take this as a positive or negative. Clearly I am getting old but at least I am still physically capable of doing things like this with the kiddies.

Me, Holly and Brandon all hit the ice for some Xmas Ice Skating at Riverside in Chelmsford.

Me and B on the ice (yes he is taller now).

Shame Josh didn't want to join us, but this isn't his thing.

The 3 amigos. Holly fell down twice this year, me and Brandon zero times (although I did have two big wobbles/saves!).

Really nice for Brandon to come along with his sister this year.

Show off teaching himself to skate backwards.

No coat despite the cold as he has to look "cool" and the coats didn't suit his "outfit".

Holly was nipping around everywhere in no time at all and not relying on the side walls.

Getting some speed as well.

Brandon on the ice.

Amazingly he was letting me take some pictures as well.

A zombie pose on the ice.

Brother and sister side by side having some fun.

Good balance by H.