Saturday, 15 February 2025

Brandon's 16th Birthday Formula-E Karting

Last year for Brandon's 15th birthday we went to the Formula 1 Simulators in London and whilst there we found out they had opened a new E-karting track at Tottenham Stadium. So for his 16th birthday we planned a day out for him in Tottenham for some racing and for once I was actually going to join in rather than enviously watch on the sidelines whilst the boys race in order to reduce the cost as it is so expensive. Holly also joined the racing for the first time, albeit she did a different race to me and Brandon in slightly lower powered karts. As it was for Brandon's birthday it was supposed to be a family day out, but Joshua was too lazy to get out of bed in the morning!

As usual whenever we seem to plan anything in London of a weekend it seems there is works going on on the Wickford train line and thus we ended up taking a really convoluted route via Basildon to Barking, Barking to South Tottenham, South Tottenham walk to Seven Sisters, then Seven Sisters up t White Hart Lane. Oh I love our transport system. The train from Seven Sisters to White Hart Lane then ended up not running so we had a bit of a rushed walk to Tottenham stadium to make it in time for Holly's racing which started an hour before me and Brandon was on.

Anyway the E-karting is an amazing set-up. The karts are incredible and include DRS and boosts from regenerative braking. The steering wheels have LCD screens which show track position, lap times, overall position and constantly talk to you to remind you when you are in the DRS zone, when you are on it and hitting PB's etc. The actual track is pretty cool and is circa 500m long with 20+ corners or something and the whole feel of the E-karting with the LED lighting etc makes it feel different from normal karting.

Holly did amazing for her first time and at one point got up to 4th place, but then ended up finishing 8th in both her races. But no crashes and a big grin on her face. Brandon beat me in both our races and finished 3rd both times, I was 6th in the first race and 5th in the second. In our second race I was only 1.5 seconds slower than Brandon's best lap which personally I think is pretty good given I am virtually 4 stone heavier (that's my excuse for losing).

Overall we had a great day out (apart from the trains) and would highly recommend the E-karting. During the walk back to Seven Sisters we also found a German Donor place which Brandon loves and thus had some nice food afterwards as well. Shame Josh didn't join us. 

Formula-E Karting at the Tottenham Stadium.

Holly got kitted up first as she was racing before me and Brandon hit the track.

She was so excited for the karting as she has wanted to try it for years having been dragged out many times to watch the boys.

Garage area where the karts are repaired and serviced.

Me, H and Brandon ready for some E-karting.

In the pit lane and ready to hit the track.

Off we go, this is about the only time I was in front of Brandon.

Holly meandering around a bendy section of the track.

Another action shot of Holly's first karting experience.

Holly speeding across the finish line.

8th place overall for Holly.

H on the podium and thoroughly enjoying herself at the E-karting.

Mine and Brandon's first race result, 6th and 3rd respectively.

Me, Brandon and Holly at the end of a really good couple of hours at the E-karting.

1st Place School Swimming Gala for Holly

Holly continues to lead by example in her school sports ambassador role as she participated in the swimming gala earlier this week and her team ended up joint 1st place. She is becoming a very competent and confident swimmer now which is a result of her still doing her Friday swimming classes every week. She is determined to get to the top hat level and go further then both the boys did with their swimming lessons.

Saturday, 1 February 2025

3rd Place School Cross Country for Holly

Since returning back to school after Christmas Holly has been training with the Year 6 girls and boys for this years cross country. She hasn't really enjoyed it too much and didn't particularly want to do it, but she felt pressured in to doing it by one of her teachers and especially as she is a School Sports Ambassador. Anyway the local school competition was held last week and the Year 6 girls came in 3rd place with Holly being a key contributor to the team result. So well done for trying your hardest even though your heart wasn't in it.

3rd Place for the Abacus Year 6 girls in the school cross country.

Brandon's 6th Form Application - Successful

Some really great news this week that despite Beauchamp's 6th form being massively over subscribed in 2025, Brandon received his letter of acceptance. Obviously this is dependent on him achieving his grades but I am not anticipating issues here as his mock's have been positive and he is putting in a lot of revision. It is refreshing to have a child revising off his own accord without constant nagging as we had to with Josh last year. Brandon is a completely different kettle of fish and we just leave him to get on with it and are there if ever he needs help or guidance.

Brandon's 16th Birthday

A few days late with this post as Brandon's 16th birthday was Thursday just gone. Despite having to go to school he seemed to have a great day and in the evening we celebrated with a nice family meal at Wagamama (his choice). We thought at 16 he could legally have one beer with dinner when going out, but apparently this is not Wagamama's policy and they asked him for ID and said they do not serve alcohol until 18. So unfortunately he couldn't have a drink with dinner and I ended up having a beer with my power juice! Brandon had a couple when we got back home from the meal.

His main birthday present this year was a new laptop which he wanted as he plans on selling his desktop gaming PC (since he uses the PS5 more for gaming). He also got a new watch case, a Linkin Park blanket, Linkin Park man bag, Linkin Park pillow, some Sleep Token and Linkin Park CD's, some wall art and mirror for his bedroom, a Nirvana T-shirt, a LED phone charging light for his bedroom. So all in all he did very well for presents!

Next weekend we are celebrating further with a little treat to Tottenham for the F1 E-Karting which he is hoping to beat me and Holly at. I think Josh and Tina are coming to spectate, but not participate.

Re-suing Joshua's 16th birthday banner for Brandon.

Happy 16th to Brandon (the balloons do say 16, they are just a bit twisted!).

Brandon's main present was a new laptop.

Despite his face, he was very happy with it.

I told you the balloons said "16".

More present opening.

This is his new LP blanket. When folded Josh thought it was Lion King because of the colours. When unfolded he was still clueless and asked if it was Freddie Mercury!!!!

Brandon's new clock/light/phone charger for his bedroom.

Some Linkin Park wall art and a cushion for his bedroom.

New Nirvana T-shirt.

Family birthday celebration meal at Wagamama's, very nice (almost appropriate given it was Chinese New Year on his birthday).

Good to see he still has an inner child and asked for a Lightning McQueen birthday cake.

Never too old for cake and Disney Cars.