Lets start with the GOOD: One thing that I have noticed with Joshua is that once he wakes up in the morning, if either me or Tina walk into his room, the moment his little eyes catch a look at us he beams back with the most beautiful little toothless smile. I cannot describe how nice this is as it clearly shows he recognises us both and is pleased to see us . Similarly late in the evening if he is crying in his cot (like he is now) as soon as either me or Tina walk in his room, generally he stops straight away. Just another sign that he knows who we are and feels secure.
Now the BAD: Joshua is nearly 3 months old and I have hardly been parted from him unless absolutely necessary (i.e. that thing called work!). However for the first time since he was born I have got to travel on business this week for 3 days in the Czech Republic. I am absolutely dreading this as it will be the longest I have been away from the little man. So tonight's task is to load up the mobile with lots of pictures and video clips of my little boy. Maybe I can smuggle him in my carry on luggage (don't under 2's travel for free on flights????).
Other news: On Sunday we went swimming again and met the "Mad Auntie Lisa and Uncle David" in the pool. The Mad Auntie had Joshua swim 4 mini-widths on his back. As you can see from the pictures I once again took the dive camera and managed to get an underwater shot of Joshua on his first ever dive (bring on PADI). Maximum depth for his first dive was about 10cm, total bottom time - about 1 second, equipment used - 1 swim nappy, 1 pair of Nemo swim trunks and 2 of Mum's hands to dunk Josh under the water! Joshua was perfectly safe during this underwater photo shoot, it’s the Dad who was in danger. You see without a weight belt I could not hold myself stable enough underwater to take the photo, so I had to rely on Joshua's mad Auntie Lisa holding me under the water!!!!!!! Would she ever let me return to the surface for air or would this become a psycho revenge moment for calling her the mad auntie? At least had it of been my last moments I could have captured them on camera!
Going under............take a deep breath.

Where are the sharks Dad?

Uncle Dave teaching back stroke

Mad Auntie making the little chap swim a few widths.

Threes company........