On reflection there is one thing that has got me thinking - and that is human sleep patterns. I think humans are inherently born like most animals and have no really concept of night or day. It seems natural for us to sleep when we need to rest rather than at set times during the night. However we spend months and months with our young trying to teach them to sleep through the night just to fit in with society and our social behaviours of night and day. I can't help but think what life would be like if human sleep patterns did not change from birth i.e. having the odd 2-3 hour nap as and when needed.
The other thing which I have realised is just how true it is what everyone tells you about, "enjoy them whilst they are young because they grow up so quickly". To me Joshua is developing at such an amazing rate that it scares me to think he won't be a baby for too long. There is nothing more amazing than watching your child developing and learning new activities, however I find myself also wanting him to stay exactly as he is. I guess part of parenting is learning to enjoy every second you can and to appreciate every moment without holding back their development just because you do not want them to grow up (if that makes any sense). Isn't it funny how you always hear parents bragging about how their child is 2 years advanced in their reading ability, or was walking before the age of 1 etc....... yet on the other hand we all wish they could stay babies for longer.
Anyway enough of my sentimental ramblings..............we took Joshua swimming again on Tuesday and he successfully passed the "dunk" test. Firstly I held him in a seated position with both arms whilst maintaining eye contact and then "bounced" him up and down on the surface of the water whilst counting to 10. On the 10th count I dunked the little man right under. When he popped up he kind of had that look of bewilderment but to my surprise he did not cry. So the next trick was to lay him belly down on a float and woosh him up and down in the pool. Then every now and then I would just submarine him under the surface of the water. Again he would pop up with a slight confused look on his face, but no crying. The little guy loved the swim and was kicking and thrashing around like you wouldn't believe.
Anyway some more pics. Playtime with Daddy.
1 comment:
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\thanx for all the updates. I know what you mean about him growing so fast, he changes every day and is absolutely gorgeous.To see that bewildered look on his face and know that he is trying to work out what a noise is or where the light came from or where all the telly screens came from, when we popped in the bowling alley last week. You can see him trying to work it all out but you can't help him till he learns a few more words than agu.
He is definately a joy to watch and have as our grandchild. luv mum xxxx
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