Well with two children and Tina on basic maternity pay the credit crunch is taking its toll. So it is unfortunate that Joshua's nursery has been cut down to 3 days a week for now. This gives Tina the difficult task of managing both boys a couple of days a week. So in order to help out a little we invested in this playpen so that she has somewhere safe to put one of the boys whilst attending to the other. As you can see below Joshua seems to enjoy just playing in the playpen. Speaking of nursery, Joshua made Mummy a nice little jewelery box at nursery this week.

Joshua's climbing skills are developing all the time. His latest antics include climbing on the dining room chairs (see below), sliding across the patio table, climbing onto the conservatory window seal, and worst of all, he has found away past our make shift stair gate to get into the loft conversion!!!

Below is a picture of Joshua, Brandon and Mia which Tina took when they all went to SeaLife Centre last week.

Joshua is always very keen to give his little brother cuddles and kisses. Slowly he is learning to be gentle, but he does end up saying sorry a lot!

At the weekend Joshua was playing with his cars and desperately tried to hand one to Brandon. He seemed completely confused as to why Brandon would not take the car and play with him. Still at least he is prepared to share his toys and not sit on them all like my elder sister did with me!

A rare picture of Dad sitting with two tired boys (thumb in the mouth is always a sign Joshua is ready for a nap).

As you can see from above Brandon is getting bigger and bigger. He is now 12 weeks old and has finally topped Joshua's birth weight as he is around 10lb now. Can you believe that Joshua turned a year and half this week!!!