This blog was started to share the life of our first baby who was born on October 18th 2007. As the years have passed our family has grown and the blog now also includes Joshua's little brother Brandon King who was born on January 29th 2009 and his little sister who was born on 28th November 2013.
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Now is Joshua pulling a stupid face for the camera or just teasing his poor brother by showing Brandon that his teething is over as he has a full set of gnashers??
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Fishy Friends
Today we did a little experiment with Joshua and stopped him from having his daytime nap. Instead after lunch we let him have his milk whilst watching Fireman Sam which was his down time. Then after this he came out in the garden to help me clean my bike. It seemed to work really well and tonight he was virtually asleep during story time. I think he is definitely at the stage where he does not always need an afternoon nap and maybe just a little power nap on the sofa or bean bag is all he needs to charge the batteries.
So the first picture today is kind of related to fish in that the two boys are sitting at their little table eating some fish fingers for lunch (note who's plate is nearly empty and who's is still nearly full!).
There are many things that a father must pass on to his children and I take great pride and responsibility in my duties to the boys. Here I am teaching Joshua the all important daytime power nap.
Brandon is showing signs of being a right little daredevil. He seems to love sliding down the bath, he now constantly climbs onto the bean bag and slides off, fearlessly negotiates stair cases on his own - but worst of all he has mastered the art of standing up on his bike. The cheeky grin is because he know he is in the wrong and is being told to sit down.
Shortly after this he actually stood on the seat one legged and attempted to climb onto the handle bars. It will all ends in tears one day...........
So why is this blog update called fishy friends. Well we decided to treat the boys to a little fish each today. Here is Brandon taking a look at selection of fish.
So the first picture today is kind of related to fish in that the two boys are sitting at their little table eating some fish fingers for lunch (note who's plate is nearly empty and who's is still nearly full!).
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Windy Willow
When will these teeth of Brandon's ever come through!!! It looks like two at the bottom, but they just do not seem to what to break the surface. Apart from his teething the little guy is starting to pick things up very quickly now. His latest tricks include stacking items on top of each other, saying the word "ta" and high fiving.
Brandon can also now sit quite happily at his little chair and table with Joshua as you can see below. I think dinner times we might have to think about shifting Brandon onto this table in the conservatory has his flactuance problem is not getting any better. Me and Joshia now call the little guy "Windy Willow"!!!

You could almost substitute a chess board into this picture - I can just picture the two boys duelling it out on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
Joshua's potty training is going very well indeed. Today he has had pants on all day and has stayed dry asking for the toilet frequently for poos and wees. He is also getting very cheeky as of late. Tina has slipped up a few times in the past and said "for god sakes" when she gets frustrated. Well Joshua has picked up on this and now frequently says "for sakes" when he gets frustrated. To make matters worse you tell him not to say it and he thinks it is a game and keeps repeating it.
Brandon can also now sit quite happily at his little chair and table with Joshua as you can see below. I think dinner times we might have to think about shifting Brandon onto this table in the conservatory has his flactuance problem is not getting any better. Me and Joshia now call the little guy "Windy Willow"!!!
The other day Joshua was playing with his Tonka toy and found it hilarious to run along pushing it from the hall, through the kitchen and then sliding into the conservatory! Just watch your ankles.........
Finally for today here are some rare pictures of Brandon sneaking a quick go in Joshua's Little Tykes Police car. Joshua was asleep so I tried Windy Willow in it and he absolutely loved it. Normally if Joshua is around then Brandon either gets dragged out of it or Joshua climbs in with him squashing the pair of them.
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
What a difference a year makes!
Last week Tina got both the boys weighed and their feet measured. Brandon topped the scales at over 21.4lb with size 4 feet and Joshua was over 30.9lb with size 7 feet. So we must be doing something right as they are both growing at a rate of knots. I still think little Brandon will be bigger than Joshua. Interestingly at Brandon's age Joshua weighed 22.9lb (so only 1.5lb's bigger than what Brandon is now - but Brandon was 3lb lighter at birth).
So what difference does a year make...............well see below. Well in Brandon's case he has gone from this.......

To this...........
He is almost unrecognisable from the baby born just over a year ago.
And Joshua has gone from this.............
So what difference does a year make...............well see below. Well in Brandon's case he has gone from this.......
To this...........
And Joshua has gone from this.............
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Let It Snow
Been a bit lazy with the camera lately - so no pictures today, just words. So why is this blog called let it snow? Have we not all had enough of the cold weather. Well no, yesterday I finally managed to get the two boys a proper sledge each. I saw them at a good price and just thought what the hell, lets get them and put them in the garage for next year. Otherwise a year will pass, it will snow again and I will be left thumbling around trying to buy a sledge again. So next winter we are all prepared - no more baby bath sledging!
So whats news with the boys. Well to start with I have said all along that it will be a sad but happy day when the boys can actually beat their old man at something (especially a sport). Well Brandon has knocked me off top spot for something already. It is something I pride myself on and have become very skilled at over the years. There are very few people that have come close to challenging me, but Brandon just wipes the floor with me and then sits there chuckling to rub it in. So what is it I hear you ask? Well to put it bluntly..............passing wind!!! The little guy is a genius, I have relinquished the crown. He sits at the dinner table every night and farts like you would believe. Joshua sits there saying "Brandon! Windy Poos" and Brandon just laughs......
Brandon is also sleeping extremely well now and has settled into his new room amazingly. He now puts himself to sleep rather than one of us sitting with him till he nods off, and also he has started to entertain himself in the morning rather than just waking and screaming for attention. He sits there having a natter or playing with his teddies and is quite content.
Still on the subject of Brandon - he gave us a little fright yesterday. At the stage Joshua is at we have got a little lazy with stair gates because he is very competent on the stairs. But clearly Brandon is getting very mobile now and likes exploring his environment. Well yesterday the gate was left open and we turned our backs for 5 seconds. Next thing you know the little guy was gone in a flash and before we know it he was climbing over the top step onto the 1st floor all on his own. Touch wood he didn't fall this time, but it has been a good wake up call that stair gates must be closed at all times at the moment.
So whats news with the boys. Well to start with I have said all along that it will be a sad but happy day when the boys can actually beat their old man at something (especially a sport). Well Brandon has knocked me off top spot for something already. It is something I pride myself on and have become very skilled at over the years. There are very few people that have come close to challenging me, but Brandon just wipes the floor with me and then sits there chuckling to rub it in. So what is it I hear you ask? Well to put it bluntly..............passing wind!!! The little guy is a genius, I have relinquished the crown. He sits at the dinner table every night and farts like you would believe. Joshua sits there saying "Brandon! Windy Poos" and Brandon just laughs......
Brandon is also sleeping extremely well now and has settled into his new room amazingly. He now puts himself to sleep rather than one of us sitting with him till he nods off, and also he has started to entertain himself in the morning rather than just waking and screaming for attention. He sits there having a natter or playing with his teddies and is quite content.
Still on the subject of Brandon - he gave us a little fright yesterday. At the stage Joshua is at we have got a little lazy with stair gates because he is very competent on the stairs. But clearly Brandon is getting very mobile now and likes exploring his environment. Well yesterday the gate was left open and we turned our backs for 5 seconds. Next thing you know the little guy was gone in a flash and before we know it he was climbing over the top step onto the 1st floor all on his own. Touch wood he didn't fall this time, but it has been a good wake up call that stair gates must be closed at all times at the moment.
Saturday, 6 February 2010
The Cutting Edge
It has been a busy Saturday today and therefore a rather big blog update today with lots of pictures. But before I get into how our Saturday was spent, here are a few older pics which I have been meaning to share for a while.
Firstly the two boys on a little iggle piggle sit on ride.
Then Shopping made exciting - Joshua style!!!
So our Saturday started with a trip into town to get both the boys hair cut. This was Joshua's second cut and Brandon's first. We have held off on Brandon's first cut for some time but lately his hair has been getting in his eyes a lot. Anyway both boys were very well behaved as they sat on their dad's lap for the cut. Joshua looks the same but just a bit smarter. Brandon looks like a completely different baby and now looks much more like a little boy to me.
You can see just how long his fringe had grown in this shot.
Anyway after town it was home for some lunch and a nap. Then after lunch the afternoon was filled with a bike ride, a trip to the park, painting, play-doh and then dinner and a bath! Few - I am tired just typing it all. Anyway here are some pictures from the park - notice the posh haircuts.
Two happy boys coming down the slide together. This picture might be one for the work desk.
And out on the bikes. Brandon really enjoys the bike seat now that Joshua is content to go in his Lightning McQueen bike. Note he is even grabbing hold of the main handle bars to steer.
After the park it was time for some crafts whilst Mummy cooked up dinner.
Firstly the two boys on a little iggle piggle sit on ride.

Thursday, 4 February 2010
1 Year Jabs
Poor Brandon had the last of his 1st birthday presents on Monday morning - courtesy of the NHS. Yes it was that horrible time for his 1 year jabs. Touch wood he showed no adverse reactions although he was a little sick in bed last night at around 1.30am!!! All this week he has been sleeping up in his new room in the penthouse suite and seems to have taken to it really well.
Anyway here are some nice pictures of the two boys sitting in the conservatory at their little table playing with some toys and some play-doh.

And here is a lovely little picture of Brandon wearing one of his new birthday outfits which was bought by his Great Nanny King. Smart boy eh!
We finally managed to get Joshua a second duvet set this week. After much deliberation we opted for Fireman Sam as he has taken a real liking to this. What a great choice - he loves his new duvet cover. Last night I went to tuck him in and pulled back his duvet to get to his sheet which was around his ankles, anyway next thing I know he was muttering Fireman Sam.
Anyway here are some nice pictures of the two boys sitting in the conservatory at their little table playing with some toys and some play-doh.
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