When will these teeth of Brandon's ever come through!!! It looks like two at the bottom, but they just do not seem to what to break the surface. Apart from his teething the little guy is starting to pick things up very quickly now. His latest tricks include stacking items on top of each other, saying the word "ta" and high fiving.
Brandon can also now sit quite happily at his little chair and table with Joshua as you can see below. I think dinner times we might have to think about shifting Brandon onto this table in the conservatory has his flactuance problem is not getting any better. Me and Joshia now call the little guy "Windy Willow"!!!

You could almost substitute a chess board into this picture - I can just picture the two boys duelling it out on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

Joshua's potty training is going very well indeed. Today he has had pants on all day and has stayed dry asking for the toilet frequently for poos and wees. He is also getting very cheeky as of late. Tina has slipped up a few times in the past and said "for god sakes" when she gets frustrated. Well Joshua has picked up on this and now frequently says "for sakes" when he gets frustrated. To make matters worse you tell him not to say it and he thinks it is a game and keeps repeating it.
The other day Joshua was playing with his Tonka toy and found it hilarious to run along pushing it from the hall, through the kitchen and then sliding into the conservatory! Just watch your ankles.........

Finally for today here are some rare pictures of Brandon sneaking a quick go in Joshua's Little Tykes Police car. Joshua was asleep so I tried Windy Willow in it and he absolutely loved it. Normally if Joshua is around then Brandon either gets dragged out of it or Joshua climbs in with him squashing the pair of them.
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