I returned from the Czech Republic this week and was amazed at home much the boys had both changed after just 4 days. Joshua's voice seemed very different, maybe he has a slight croaky throat or maybe its just the rapid speed they grow. I missed the boys like mad and flying back Thursday night there was a toddler on the plane about 2 seats in front of me screaming the plane down during the landing. Normally I would have been one of those passengers cursing the child to be quiet, but I was missing Joshua and Brandon so much that the noise was actually comforting and made me think of them even more. I wanted to get up and go and see the little toddler!
Anyway whilst talking with some of my work colleagues I picked up another great parenting tip this week. You see having seen Daddy do it several times Joshua has been showing interest in wanting to wee standing but I have been worried about his accuracy and the mess. Well the suggestion was to make a game out of wee time and put a "ping pong" ball down the toilet for him to aim at. What a great idea!!! So this weekend we purchased a bright coloured table tennis ball for each toilet and Joshua is loving trying to wee on the ball.
Its now just over a month away until my 24 hr race and time to start thinking about a basic camping set-up to see me through the event. Joshua and Brandon treated their Daddy to a nice little 2 man tent and some other camping bits for Father's day - what great kids eh!. We set the tent up at home and the boys loved it, in fact we had tears when I tried t put it away. I guess thats a good sign that we have another 2 keen campers in the house.
Anyway here is my little tent with the boys playing in it.

Joshua pulling a silly face on my little camping chair. It may be small but boy is it comfortable. Perfect for resting those tired legs during the race.

Brandon can stand on my chair and his head just about reaches the roof of the tent.

Joshua testing out my bed. OK its not going to be comfortable, but I will be so tired from all the running this will feel like laying on cotton wool with a sleeping bag on top .

Once the tent was away we had some major temper tantrums. So as I compromise I dusted off the old Graco Olympic playpen. Brandon absolutely loves playing in the pen, especially if you through footballs at him from the outside.

I think Brandon would quite happily set-up camp in here rather than his Daddies tent.

We have an escapee!

Now is this one happy chappie?
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