Thursday 12 May 2011

Royal Brandon

Had a lazy week or so with the blog again. So today’s update is a bit of a mixed bag with snippets of news that are not really related or themed in anyway.

Firstly we have started trying to potty train Brandon. The progress so far is that he will wear underpants and will now sit on a potty without screaming blue murder. But the potty is still bone dry. Mum had a great idea to tell him that he could not go on the aeroplane on holiday later this year if he was still wearing nappies. This backfired as Brandon put on his pants then immediately asked if we could go on an aeroplane!!! We then had tears and tantrums whilst we explained that holiday was not until September. So it is back to sticker / reward chart incentives.
Whilst I am talking about Brandon here is a nice little picture of Brandon all dressed up for Will’s & Kate’s recent Royal Wedding. Kate Middleton doesn’t know what she is missing.

As everyone knows Joshua has now moved up a class in his football club and is doing very well. Last week he got his big boys football kit with his all new shirt. How cool does he look.

Other developments are that we have gone from a 4 stair gate house to a 2 stair gate house!!! The stair gates are almost becoming redundant given that Joshua can now open them all anyway and Brandon is very competent on the stairs. So the two bottom stair gates have now been removed and boy what a difference it makes.
Finally Joshua and Brandon would like to welcome their new cousins Maisey and Oscar into the big wide world.

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