Saturday 9 July 2011

Wickford Open 2011

The boys are both very aware that Daddy plays golf now (or at least that he tries to play golf). Joshua in particular has expressed an interest to come along one day. So I guess it will not be too long before I have my very own caddie. However both boys are too young for a golf course just yet, so to quench their first we headed over to a little crazy golf course over the Memorial Park. Its not the most challenging course and by no means is it the tidiest or best maintained, but it is free and it is good enough for us to knock some balls around.

Joshua celebrating his ball in the hole.

Woops, missed.

Brandon desperately trying to hit his ball through the tunnel.

Trapping the ball between your feet is other wise known as cheating.

In the end Brandon shoves the club through the tunnel in order to push his ball through.

And there is even a water hazard on the course. Like father like son, Brandon ends up in the water.

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