Thursday, 1 September 2011

Art Session

To start this blog update here is a picture of the two boys during one of our messy art sessions at home. These are actually getting quite fun and creative now. As you can see we have cut out shapes representing cars, rabbits, boats, masks etc and then paint them. Joshua has now started to gain much better control when drawing and actually drew a Lion at the weekend. Very basic with a circle head, two eyes, a mouth and two legs. But it this was the first time I have known him to actually try and draw something from his imagination rather than just scribbling on the paper/chalk board.

The boys are both still maintaining there interest in sport which is good. At the swimming pool this weekend Joshua managed a whole length on his own without arm bands. I was walking in front of him so he benefited from a slight drag from me. But even so this is still a whole length unassisted and without armbands. Also thanks to Peppa Pig he is now keen to learn to ride his bike without stabilisers. We have tried a few times so far but not made too much progress. I guess I have let go of the saddle for maybe one second maximum without him realising. As for Brandon – forget the bike, go-kart and scooter, he just wants to run everywhere. Do we have the makings of a future track star? How long will it be before he is coming out for runs with his dad?
Brandon has now settled into the new nursery like a dream. Gone are the days of dropping him off in the morning and leaving with a massive guilt trip because he is balling his eyes out. Nowadays he walks in with a grin from ear to ear, sits down with the other children and starts to tuck into his breakfast. Tomorrow is quite a big day for the little guy though as he moves up a class into the green room. In the green room he will be much closer to his brother and will probably be able to join him for meal times and when they play in the garden.
Finally for today’s update I would like to comment on how helpful the boys are becoming. The nursery have also commented on this as our two boys are always first to help during tidy time and are often volunteering their help. This is equally reflected in our home life where you can ask both boys to help out with many mundane tasks and jobs and they are happy to oblige. For example if you are washing up you can ask one of them to bring the mug from the living room and they will do it happily, when you bring a basket of washing down they love stuffing it into the machine and then putting the powder/condition in etc.etc. They also both like helping with washing up – however this usually becomes more of a hindrance at the moment and results in a very wet kitchen!

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