Unfortunately this weekend both Joshua and Brandon had to miss the Beavers and Cubs remembrance parade as they both had league football matches. In particular for Brandon as he was due to carry the flag for Wickford Cubs today.
At the football matches we did the 2 minutes silence though and all the kids wore stick on poppies for the match. Brandon's team lost having started the first half lousy but then came back to win the second half. Brandon scored one goal and could have had another. Joshua's U('s team went on to register another win and so far undefeated this season.
Holly has been a little monkey today as she clearly didn't learn from last months apple up the nose incident and today stuffed cucumber up her nose! God knows why she is doing it? Luckily for us, today it came out on its own so no hospital trip.
This weekend we also had to divide and conquer to get Joshua and Holly to different birthday parties. Joshua's was for his friend Ethan's 9th party and was at Roller City in Southend. One thing we learnt about Joshua is that he is no skater!!!
Quick selfie of me and the kiddies at he dinner table. |
Joshua and Ethan at Roller City. |
Happy birthday to Ethan in the centre of the skate ring. |
Burger, chips and cake after the party. |
Me and the U8 Tigers observing 1 minutes silence at today's football match in memory of our fallen soldiers. |
Quick team huddle by the boys before the head in to battle again. |
I have never been "inked" before and am dead against tattoo's. But Holly seems to think differently and decided my hand needed "inking" this weekend. |
Holly enjoying herslef Amelie's party at Cheeky Monkeys. |
Holly sitting nicely and eating her party food. |
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