Thursday, 28 September 2017

Asthma Attack

Tina's asthma attacks seem to be getting worse and this year she has had a few really bad attacks. Today was the worst one so far leaving her at the swimming pool collapsed out and fighting for breath whilst Holly had her swimming class. The staff and friends there were very concerned as the symptoms were extremely similar to a heart attack and thus they didn't hesitate to call out an ambulance. Tina's normal medication seemed to do little to control the situation but fortunately the ambulance arrived very quickly and soon had Tina hooked up to an ECG, bloods measured and blood pressure being checked. After about 30 minutes they managed to get Tina almost back to normal but in a weakened state with the shakes. The blood pressure was strong and the ECG showed no trace of heart problems which was good news.
I had rushed back from work and arrived at the pool about 10 minutes after the ambulance crew. The crew were so good with Tina and the staff at the pool were amazing looking after Holly for us. They gave her snacks, found her a friend to play with and even gave her a little Peppa Pig bag and pencil case to keep her entertained. So a bit of a scare which all ended well. As the ambulance crew were leaving they offered Holly a chance to sit in the ambulance and to also switch on the flashing lights. She absolutely loved this and wouldn't stop chatting to the crew about Peppa Pig world and tooth fairies and so on...
The ambulance crew let Holly sit in the front and also turn on the flashing lights.

Holly standing in the back of the ambulance with her new Peppa Pig bag.

Monday, 25 September 2017

U9 Tigers Football Season Starts + Cycling at Hadleigh

This past weekend the football season started up again which now means that every weekend from now until 17th December is completely taken with training Saturday and matches Sunday. Brandon's U9 Tigers team had their first 7-a-side league match this weekend and did very well indeed. The game was a little tight for the first half with us only taking a 1-0 lead. But then the boys really stepped it up in the second half and in the end we comfortably won 5-1. Brandon played very well with lots of pace and energy, he could have (and arguably should have) had a couple of goals himself! Anyway I won't go too hard on him for not scoring as this week I also found out that he has been selected by Chelsea to play in for them in their foundation development league match. Nanny would be proud of him!!
The 9 Tiger's on Brandon's team ready to tear up the U9's central division.

After the weekend of football we spent Sunday afternoon chilling out over Hadleigh Mountain bike course. Holly wanted to take her little bike with the stabilisers, so I fitted the balance buddy so that I could also push her around. She was so funny as she was screaming at the top of her voice every time I took her down one of the ramps or slopes. She absolutely loved it over there and was even managing to do some pedalling on her own.
After a day full of exercise the kids were all very tired and we had no trouble getting Holly to sleep. A nice bath using some of Zoe and Nick's bath bombs from the wedding and the kids were ready for the sack. Holly now insists on taking all her Peppa Pic teddy's to bed with her and they all have to line up under her quilt with their heads sticking out. It looks very cute but doesn't leave her much room.
Holly learning to cycle on her own at Hadleigh.

What a beautiful smile. Next year we will lose the stabilisers.

The kiddies asked to go to Hadleigh in the afternoon and absolutely loved spending the afternoon over there and in the late September sunshine.

Holly tucked up in bed with all the Peppa Pig teddy's.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Paultons 2017 Souvenir Pictures

It has taken me a while but I finally got our souvenir pictures from our recent trip to Paultons Park scanned in. Better late than never. We paid for 5 ride pictures and then tried to get a good mix of us all, however it was impossible to get 5 people in one picture.
Tina and the 3 kiddies about to get soaked on the raging river ride.

All the boys.

My two special ladies having fun on the raging river.

B and Josh on Velociraptor.

Holly taking a picnic with Peppa Pig and family.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Zoe and Nick Brickwood's Wedding 16th September 2017

Yesterday we had the pleasure of dressing up in our posh suits and pretty frocks to attend the wedding of Zoe King to Nick Brickwood at Westcliff Pavilion overlooking the coast. Joshua and Brandon were honoured with being page boys and trusted with the very important job of looking after the rings and presenting them when requested. Holly was dressed up as one of the page girls along with Leyla-Grace as well. The wedding seemed a little weird to me as I remember visiting hospital when Zoe was born, changing her nappies and feeding her. So to see her all grown up and getting married is a sign of generations moving on and made me feel particularly old!
The weather held off for the lovely couple despite downpours about an hour before the start. Everyone seemed to have an absolutely amazing time. The wedding went perfect, the sit down meal was lovely and everyone looked fantastic. Holly did amazing lasting until around 10pm when the signs of tiredness finally kicked in and she fell asleep on my lap. The two boys kept going all night and were really enjoying mingling with the family and messing around on the dance floor.
Nicky did absolutely amazing given what she has been through lately and although Paul couldn't manage the walk down the aisle, he managed to stand up and gave it a try which was incredible and very emotional at the same time. One thing for sure is that Mum and Slim would have been there in spirit and would have been so proud of everyone whilst they were looking down from above. Our life on the planet is so short and you never know when your time is up, so days like yesterday are to be treasured and make you realise that you should make the most of every single moment as you never know what curve balls are coming your way.
So from all the Wickford family we wish Zoe and Nick a long and prosperous future together and look forward to meeting the next generation in the family when the time comes.
Page boys and page girls all dressed up.

Holly looked absolutely beautiful and was perfectly behaved for a page girl.

The newly married couple about to embark on their journey together.

Leyla and Holly at the wedding.

Another picture of Leyla, Brandon, Holly and Josh.

A lovely shot of Leyla, Holly and the bride herself.

My 3 little ones.

The wedding venue overlooked the Essex coast line and the rain held off.

I think Brandon needs some bigger shoulders to fit his waist coat.

Love how natural the kids all look in this picture.

Lovely picture of Holly and her best friend Leyla.

Just about managed to get a picture of the 5 of us.
Me, Tina and H.

Once Holly had photo bombed she allowed me and Tina to get a picture together.

The bride and groom.

All sat down at our table and ready for the sit down meal. Joined by Auntie Chris and Steve on our table.
Me and Josh chilling after our dinner.

Me and my boys.

Holly loved her little sticky man which found itself on the wall, ceiling and everywhere in between.

My two Princess's.

Holly, Tina and Leyla having a boogie on the dance floor.

It all got too much for Holly in the end and she ended up having a nap on my lap.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Holly's First Full Day at Pre-School

Today marked another milestone for Holly as she started her first full day at her new Treehouse Pre-School. She has had a couple of 2 hour taster sessions earlier in the week which went very well, but today was to be her first full day. She has been getting so excited about the prospect of going to big girls school and had absolutely no issues being left on her own and was not in the slightest bit clingy to Tina when she was dropped off. Instead she just strolled in with her bag and lunchbox and from what I hear she had an amazing day and made some new friends as well. The new pre-school is quite an amazing place in a woodland area and everything is very natural which is something me and Tina really like about it.
As Holly started her new school today she also managed to pick quite a crop of green beans from a plant that she grew from her old nursery. 
Holly with her crop of green beans that she grew in our vegetable patch.

Now theres a happy girl heading in to her first full day at Treehouse pre-school.
She has her very first school packed lunch to take with her.

I think Tina struggled to get a kiss and hug goodbye as Holly was so keen to get inside.

Yep, that's one happy girl in her new pre-school. She is so ready to be starting school.

ItWit Canoeing and Conker Battleships

For ages we have been saying that it would be nice to go canoeing in the river that runs through Central Park where the boys do their park runs. So a couple of weekends ago the weather was pretty good given the time of year so we got up early on a Sunday for the park run and then afterwards set up the canoes and jumped in the river. We rowed down in to Chelmsford town centre and believe it or not the boys were lucky enough to find a £10 floating on the river. So they dried it off and decided to split it £5 each as Brandon spotted it but Joshua retrieved it.
Just as we got back to the park where Tina was waiting in the car, Auntie Lisa and Uncle David turned up with their shiney new ItWit kayak. So we jumped back in the river and took another row down to Chelmsford town and back. We rowed underneath a conker tree which was low enough to pull the conkers off. So we all grabbed and handfull to use as ammo and played battleships trying to bomb each others boats. After all the rowing we had earned a trip back in to town for a nice coffee and some dunkin donuts. Its not quite as nice as the cream scone at Papermill Lock, but still very nice.
Brandon canoeing through the river in Central Park.

Me and H have loads of room now the boys have their own canoe.

The boys rafting up with Lisa and David in their new kayak.

Looking good.

Holly looking on as the others float under a big willow tree.

The boys were lucky enough to find a tenner in the river!!!

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Brandon's Boxing Update

Brandon has impressed the coaches at Billericay and Wickford boxing during the summer school. So much so that last week he got invited to move in to the development squad on a weekday. They said they would try and move the kids up as soon as possible but couldn't make any promises as they other classes are all fall. Needless to say we were very surprised when he got moved up after just 1 week of the new season. So on Wednesday he joined in his first session with the development squad and also got given his new boxing tracksuit which looks really good.
Brandon getting some coaching with some other lads behind the main ring.

Brandon's new boxing club tracksuit. Looks like plenty of room to grow. Next we have got to buy him his boxing shorts and t-shirt.

Monday, 4 September 2017

Paultons Park (Peppa Pig World) 2017 - Day 2

Day 2 at Paulton's started with a nice cooked breakfast in our hotel before checking out and then taking the short drive to the theme park. Yesterday Holly missed out on getting her picture with the Peppa Pig characters in the meet and greet and she also missed out on the balloon ride and the helicopter ride. So today's plan was a bit of a divide and conquer where Tina took Holly in to Peppa Pig World whilst me and the boys headed off to seek out the thrill rides. Brandon was getting really bored in Peppa Pig world so it would have been cruel to make him spend a lot of time there today.
Right at the front of the queue as the characters come out for the meet and greet.

We managed to convince the boys to get one family picture with Peppa for Holly before we could shoot off and seek thrill rides.

Holly giving a Peppa a cuddle.

Holly giving George a cuddle.
Holly flying the helicopter ride in Peppa Pig world.
Holly and Tina in the hot air balloon ride.
Beautiful smile as Holly looks down on a sunny Peppa Pig world.
Holly with Zoe Zebra.

Peppa Pig World at Paulton's.

Some of the gardens at Paulton's were just amazing. I want this in my garden!

Joshua and Brandon with a very impressive horse and carriage hedge.

Holly at the horse and carriage hedge.

Holly riding a horse in the upstairs of the carousel.
Holly on the carousel.
Joshua on the carousel.
Brandon on the carousel.
At lunchtime we stopped by the penguins to watch the penguin feeding.

Holly and Brandon with the penguins swimming behind them.

Holly gets a birds eye view as a penguin swims past her.

Holly and B watching the penguins.

All those rides and Holly is happy to just find a swing.

In Peppa Pig world there is a muddy puddles splash park. As the weather was so hot we let the kids just run wild in here and got absolutely soaked to help cool down.

Joshua hiding and Holly's face indicates the water is cold.

My boys jumping in muddy puddles. This was about the only part of Peppa Pig world that they really enjoyed.

Holly looking like a drowned rat!

Holly standing on muddy puddles.

All three kids playing in the splash park.

Holly jumping from one lily pad to another.

Drying off in a rainbow.

Later in the day Holly met Grandma Pig.

And then a cuddle with Grandpa Pig.

Another picture from the beautiful gardens in Paultons. These flowers were actually made of coloured glass and was a water fountain/feature as well.

Another picture in the gardens.

Tina and all 3 kiddies on the log flume again.

Lots of smiles as they are about to get soaked.

The kiddies in a dinosaur play area.

Very creative dinosaur climbing frame and slide in the Lost Kingdom.

Holly on the dinosaur tongue slide.

The Velociraptor ride in the Lost Kingdom.

T-Rex lurking behind a tree.

Tina and Josh about to set off on the awesome Pterosaur ride.

If you look closely you can see Tina in this picky.

As if we didn't have enough crazy golf in the Isle of Wight!

Holly using a dodgy one handed technique.

Brandon taking aim.

Holly about to sink her putt.