Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Holly's Memorial Day Rainbow's Parade

On Sunday Holly participated in the Wick Memorial Park parade for Remembrance Sunday with her Rainbows club. Despite the recent bad weather they had an absolutely glorious day for the march up from Wickford High Street to the Memorial park. Holly was even given the opportunity to go and lay a cross on the Memorial once they arrived at the park.

Unfortunately I had to miss the parade as Brandon had an away football match. But Brandon’s U11 Blues team also honoured our fallen heroes by all wearing poppies for the match and honouring  2 minutes silence before the game started. The boys did us proud playing some lovely football and winning 3-1 to take their first away win of the season.

Holly wearing her poppy ready for the Rainbow's Parade on memorial Sunday.

A lovely service of remembrance for our fallen heroes.

All the Rainbow's lined up and ready for the parade.

And off they march.

Holly getting ready to lay her cross.

Brandon's U11 Blues completing their 2 minutes silence before Sunday's match.

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