Today our little Princess turned 7 years old and despite this being another "lockdown birthday", she has had an amazing day. This year was the first year where she has really been excited about her birthday and understood that it was her special day and that she was going to be a year older. She has been counting down the days all week and woke at about 6am this morning desperate to go down stairs to open her presents.
Everyone that knows Holly will know that she absolutely loves balloons. So thanks to an idea we pinched off of Lea, me and Tina made a pink and white balloon arch which covered our bay window and all of her presents. The arch looked amazing but boy was it hard work to set-up with some 50 plus balloons to blow up and clip on to a plastic strip. Still it was worth every minute of the effort to see her little face when she went in to the living room this morning.
Holly also had visits from nearly all of the family which was just amazing and really made her day. Despite lockdown Min and Lea, Dad and Diane, David and Nicky all came to see her. On top of that we had a zoom call in the afternoon where everyone sang happy birthday to her in front of a half eaten birthday cake!
For her presents she got a new scooter, lots of Lego Friends, lots of Polly Pockets, unicorn stuff, a PS3 dance game, a Barbie jeep and horse carriage, a unicorn door stop, a chocolate sweet maker, loads of art stuff with blow pends and electric picsil pens, a unicorn door stop, unicorn bath bomb and so much more. She has certainly been very spoilt. Unfortunately we could not go out for a meal so we gave Holly the choice of what she wanted for dinner and she chose a KFC takeaway.
Hard work preparing the balloon arch the night before Holly's birthday, but so worth the effort.
Loads of presents to spoil our little girl with LOL wrapping paper.
Holly was very happy when she went in to the living room this morning and saw her birthday display.
Holly loves her Polly Pockets toys.
And she was certainly happy with her Lego friends.
More Polly Pocket.
More Lego with the Beauty and the Beast Castle.
Holly's new Barbie jeep and horse trailer.
She wanted to have a PJ day on her birthday and wore her Elf PJ's all day.
Holly had this Princess cake with a Tiara on top plus a Molly's chocolate cake!
Zoom call with some of the family later in the evening to sing happy birthday to our little Princess.
That's an impressive display of gifts, plus she has about £50 cash to spend.
My sassy little Princess at the end of a very special lockdown birthday.