Friday 13 November 2020

Zoom Rainbows

So as we finish our first week of Lockdown 2.0 the whole country has ground to a halt and more importantly for us all of the kids clubs have stopped again. Holly was just settling back in to Rainbows and now its back to virtual Rainbows at home using Zoom calls on the laptop. I already spend 90% of my work day stuck on some sort of Teams conference at work - is this now the future for all of our work and clubs???? Let's hope not.

The Coronovirus has slowly been spreading through the Beauchamps school with Year 10's affected, then Year 9's last week and now due to staff shortages they are implementing some contingency planning. So as of next week Brandon will now be at home schooling every Monday and Joshua every Tuesday, i.e. all years are being out on 4 days weeks due to the staff shortages!! When is this ever going to end?????

Holly loves a Zoom call and feels so grown up, but what a sad existence this is.
Is this the future of social interaction for us or will we eventually get back to some sort of normality?

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