Over Lockdown 3.0 I have expanded by garage gym significantly with a long sought after Olympic barbell and weight set. I have also added some hex dumbbells' and a padded plyo box to hopefully prevent further injuries to my shins. It is now my favourite room in the house and I refer to it as the gym and not the garage (much to Brandon's disagreement).
As Holly likes art and colouring, last week I spent some time with her drawing a large Shark on my hand stand push up wall and then adding the slogan "Shark Gym". I basically sketched it out and then did the outline, but Holly did the majority of the colouring and I have to say it looks amazing. Every morning when I am out there training it will remind "Do Sharks complain that it is Monday? No. They are up early, biting stuff, chasing things, being scary and reminding everyone they are a Shark!".
Outline of the shark complete and using a BIG pack of Sharpies, Holly begins adding colour. |
Our finished wall out for my Shark Gym. |
I think Holly is proud of her work and she even got to keep the big box of Sharpies afterwards. |