Wednesday 15 September 2021

Joshua Test's Positive for Covid-19

After swabbing his tonsil's and nostril's, Joshua had a positive lateral flow test for Covid-19 on Monday.

Well Joshua was back in school for all of one week and is now isolating at home for 10 days. The kid he sits next to at school tested positive for Covid-19 last Friday and kindly decided to pass it on to Josh. He has done two lateral flow tests which were both positive and had this verified via a PCR test yesterday. As a consequence of his positive test the rest of us were pinged yesterday to say that we also had to go and get a PCR test. So this was done at 7pm last night and we are all anxiously waiting the results hoping they come back negative.

We haven't done badly really when you consider Covid all started around February 2020 and our household has managed to avoid catching it until September 2021. Fingers crossed Joshua will now keep it to himself and not decided to share it around the household!!!!

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