Sunday 13 March 2022

Joshua's Options Done - Now The Waiting Game

With the March 18th deadline looming we finally got Joshua's Year 10 options submitted today. Now it is the waiting game until around June to find out of he gets his main two options. He had to chose between History and Geography in which he chose History and then he had no choice but to take Spanish for his language. Then the two options he has selected are:

    1. ICT, and

    2. Construction

The ICT will suit him really well as he is very good and confident on computers, plus this subject is 75% coursework which again favours him. The construction course looks really interesting and will teach him lots of practical skills as well as learning how to set-up a business and potentially open up the door for an apprenticeship when he leaves school.

As his two back-up subjects he has chose Sports Science (which I really like the sound of) and then Travel and Tourism. The Sports Science would be handy as he could help me out every time I get injured and teach me about hypertrophy and all my overtraining habits!!!

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