Sunday, 11 February 2024

Bees Vs Woodford

All the football was cancelled today due to heavy rain but Joshua's rugby was still on which meant an early start for me with a Trek all the way over to Woodford in Northeast London. Talk about a game of 2 halves, the Bees were completely out of it in the first half goin 21-0 down. Then the second half completely outplayed Woodford to make a really strong comeback to finish 24-17. So despite winning the second half they just gave themselves too much of a mountain to climb in the second half. I reckon another 5 mins and they would have got a final try to level the game.

Team photo at the end of todays Woodford game, some very muddy boys.

Joshua chose to not shower at the rugby club and brought all his mud home, resulting in my shower tray looking like this.

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