Sunday, 2 September 2007


No not the Tom Hanks film, yesterday we had a day of "Birthing Information Group" - B.I.G for short! Apparently this is the new name for NHS antenatal classes which are run as a 1 day workshop. A very long and tiring day, but extremely useful (well worth cancelling my Reading Rowathalon). The day covered subjects such as pain relief, labour and delivery, breast feeding, baby bathing and finally a tour of the unit.

Loads of good information and tips picked up during the day. They rather inappropriately showed the video of a baby being delivered right after lunch - not for the weak minded thats for sure! It was a bit of a wake up call to both of us regarding just how painful the delivery process can be - forget the macho talk, I don't envy what Tina has got to go through one bit.

Anyway we now have a much clearer idea of our birth plan for the big day (Tina is even contemplating a water birth now!). The BIG course really brought home just how real and how close this baby is. Seeing all the facilities, watching the video, learning how to bath a baby, even seeing a new born baby only 3 hours old really got us thinking about just how much our lives will soon change (but for the better).

Next on the agenda is relaxation classes on Wednesay followed by the BIG baby shower on Saturday. Keep checking in for more updates.

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