Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Lightning McQueen

Forget Lightning McQueen from Disney's Cars - here is Lightning McKing wearing his race suit which we bought him from Brands Hatch at last years A1 GP. The size says 3/4 (I assume months) - but as you can see, Joshua won't get much wear out of this little outfit. Staying with the Cars theme we have also purchased a light weight buggy as a more convenient alternative to his full blown travel system - and yes you guessed it, it's a Disney Cars Lightning McQueen (I mean McKing) buggy! PS Bet your all impressed that I have started learning the characters of Disney movies already (albeit "Cars"!).

Joshua is developing very well now and is starting to become a real little character. He babbles away all the time and is getting more and more vocal. He looks like he is also very close to being able to roll over. If we lay him on his belly he can now lift his head high and also get his knees up in a crawling position - he just hasn't quite figured out or got the strength to push up with his arms yet.

We have still resisted giving Joshua a dummy, however he has become a real cheeky monkey with the thumb sucking. Last night I crept into his room to find him sound asleep with his thumb in mouth. So I gently prized it out of his mouth, at which point he simply turned his head 180 degrees (still asleep) and simply popped the other thumb in his mouth!!!! Where did he learn this from??? Nobody around him has ever sucked their thumb, yet he has taught himself that thumb sucking is a pleasant self soother.

1 comment:

kismet said...

He looks absolutely gorgeous, I think the red suit looks great. Buggy is very nice to and I am sure he will get lots of use out of it. Don't know where he gets the thumb sucking habit from!