This blog was started to share the life of our first baby who was born on October 18th 2007. As the years have passed our family has grown and the blog now also includes Joshua's little brother Brandon King who was born on January 29th 2009 and his little sister who was born on 28th November 2013.
Thursday, 29 May 2008
All In A Days Work
Now is it Wilgo Freight or Wil"ga" Freight..............either way they certainly start their staff training programmes at a very young age. Here's Steve teaching Joshua the in's and out's of operating a fork lift. "Tell that Jan in there to put the kettle on for a cuppa - hot milk that is!"

Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Happy Birthday Cousin Mia-Rose
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Surf Dude Camper
Here is Joshua in his first garden toy which his Nan got for him. As you can see its a cool camper van with twin surf boards. Joshua seems to really enjoy playing with the balls inside the camper. For indoor use the surf boards can be used to pad the base out, for outdoor use they provide a very nice sun shade as shown below. Enjoy the pictures............

Friday, 23 May 2008
More teeth coming........
Sorry for the lack of updates lately folks - only this week has been a bit tough with the little guy. He seems to have gone off his food somewhat and for the first time ever has actually lost weight (only an ounce). As if that wasn't enough he also has his top two front teeth coming through and has picked up another cold from somewhere. So loads of bonjela and calpol again!!! He is only snacking on small amounts of toast or bread sticks at the moment - that seems to be the only thing he wants to eat (other than white chocolate buttons of course!).
Despite the lack of eating Joshua is full of "beans" lately and is very vocal making lots of new sounds and blowing raspberries all the time. He will quite happily sit upright, unsupported for long periods of time playing with his toys. He cannot crawl still, but when he is on his belly he now shuffles around and makes ground backwards and sideways.
Can you believe that Joshua is now over 7 months old. His first full day at nursery is now booked for July 14th - who wants to start placing bets as to who will find this transition the hardest out of Tina and Joshua???? Luckily his nursery is only a 5 minute walk from my work place, so I dare say that I will nip down there lunchtimes to check on the little man.
Finally I have got around to making the DVD of Joshua's first holiday to Center Parcs (its no Spielberg classic but does the job) - so if anyone wants a copy then just let me know.
And lastely some new pictures - you are never too young to start practising your light sabre skills!

Despite the lack of eating Joshua is full of "beans" lately and is very vocal making lots of new sounds and blowing raspberries all the time. He will quite happily sit upright, unsupported for long periods of time playing with his toys. He cannot crawl still, but when he is on his belly he now shuffles around and makes ground backwards and sideways.
Can you believe that Joshua is now over 7 months old. His first full day at nursery is now booked for July 14th - who wants to start placing bets as to who will find this transition the hardest out of Tina and Joshua???? Luckily his nursery is only a 5 minute walk from my work place, so I dare say that I will nip down there lunchtimes to check on the little man.
Finally I have got around to making the DVD of Joshua's first holiday to Center Parcs (its no Spielberg classic but does the job) - so if anyone wants a copy then just let me know.
And lastely some new pictures - you are never too young to start practising your light sabre skills!
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Anyone for some grass!
In the early part of last week our UK summer finally arrived. Since I had managed to get out and cut the grass one evening, I decided to give Joshua his first experience rolling around in the grass. At first he did not like laying on the grass, but once he was sat upright and could feel and see the grass he was much happier. How cool is this to finish a days work and then go out into the garden and play with your son. Roll on more summer days...............
Do we have a little crocodile hunter in the making?
Walkies round the garden................
Looks like it is time to start going shopping for some garden toys!
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Before & After
Who recalls the picture posted on this blog back in Jan 08 with Joshua wearing his Ferrari red race suit that we purchased from Brands Hatch before he was even born? This is one of my favourite pics and we have a large 20x30 print in our living room. Unfortunately Joshua has long out grown this outfit and so at this years A1 Grand Prix we managed to get a 10-12 month version in blue. So here are the before and after snaps with 4 months difference between them.
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Tea & Toast
Well just lately this blog has contained endless pictures of Joshua at various locations and doing various activities - but very little on his development. So for today I will focus more on his progress towards recent changes in his growth and development. Firstly Joshua's weight is still steadily increasing, at his last weigh in he was 17lb 4oz up from 16lb 3oz 3 weeks ago. This can probably be attributed to the way he is eating lately. He seems to love his chicken and now also eats salmon, lamb, turkey and just every type of veg and fruit etc. Of a morning he is even tucking into a bit of toast which is great for his fine motor skills and his hand to eye co-ordination with feeding himself. The only food we have found that he does not seem to like is banana.
Joshua tucking into a slice of toast.............
As you would expect Joshua will happily sit upright now completely unsupported. He cannot quite sit-up on his own from a lying position but he is desperately trying, It must be such a frustrating time for him because he just does not want to lay in one place and wants to be up and about. The problem is he does not yet have the ability.
No more new teeth just yet, still only his bottom two which seem to be getting plenty of use with breaking down toast and white chocolate!
Joshua tucking into a slice of toast.............
After a good feed up of minted lamb, it is time for a nap in the high chair!
No more new teeth just yet, still only his bottom two which seem to be getting plenty of use with breaking down toast and white chocolate!
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Holiday Part V
Well a bit late - but here is the final holiday update. Despite the bad weather on occasions we still managed a round of crazy golf. I was playing one handed holding an umbrella with Joshua strapped to me in his harness. And get this............even with all these handicaps Tina still only beat us by 1 point.
How about this for a swing?
Mother and baby................Duck and ducklings.
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Holiday Part IV
Day 4 of the holiday started off with Joshua getting Dad trained in the fine art of baby massage. This involved a 45 min session with the little man chilling out to soothing music on a big cushion while Dad was instructed on how to massage a baby.

Having chilled out and then polished off another bottle of milk it was time for a play in the Treasure Cove part of the swimming pool which is for babies and young children. Joshua loved sitting on the dolphins below which spurted water out of the top. It was hilarious watching him trying to grab at the water, then he would kick his foot across the water beam and splash his face etc.

After the body boarding it was time for a bit of water football.
Then time to learn how to steer a ship................
After all that fun we managed to get our one and only family picture of all 3 of us on holiday.
And after all that activity it is time for a shower and dry off. Check out the new shark towel/robe. Now tell me this isn't a Jedi pose from Star Wars? May the force be with you Dad..........
After the dolphin ride it was time for a bit of baby surfing on the back of a ladybird!
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Holiday Part III
On day 3 of the holiday we took Joshua back to the main pool for a baby dolphin session which is where they allow parents to take young babies into the pool before it open to the masses. This was a great time for us to play with all the toys in the pool, sing some children's songs and for him to be with all the other babies.

We also booked Joshua into a 45 min play session in a creche type of area which was full of fun toys for the babies to play with. The session finished with all the parents and babies gathering around for a sing song (by this stage Joshua was asleep after his earlier swim!). PS Since when did "row row row your boat" include a line about "if you see an alligator, don't forget to scream!"?
Monday, 5 May 2008
A1 Grand Prix - Brands Hatch
The A1 cars are pretty impressive beasts as you can see on the right. They are currently made by Lola, but next season Ferrari will build the cars and engines.
It looks like blinging Joshua's high chair with a steering wheel prepared the boy well as you can see he was very keen to jump into the red race car!
For anyone that has ever been to a Formula 1 event then you will know just how loud these beasts of cars can be. For that reason it was imperative that we bought Joshua some ear protectors. Clearly they did the job very well as he fell asleep through half of the sprint race and all of the feature race! But doesn't the little guy look just adorable wearing them.........
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