Thursday, 8 May 2008

Holiday Part IV

Day 4 of the holiday started off with Joshua getting Dad trained in the fine art of baby massage. This involved a 45 min session with the little man chilling out to soothing music on a big cushion while Dad was instructed on how to massage a baby.

Having chilled out and then polished off another bottle of milk it was time for a play in the Treasure Cove part of the swimming pool which is for babies and young children. Joshua loved sitting on the dolphins below which spurted water out of the top. It was hilarious watching him trying to grab at the water, then he would kick his foot across the water beam and splash his face etc.

After the dolphin ride it was time for a bit of baby surfing on the back of a ladybird!

After the body boarding it was time for a bit of water football.
Then time to learn how to steer a ship................
After all that fun we managed to get our one and only family picture of all 3 of us on holiday.
And after all that activity it is time for a shower and dry off. Check out the new shark towel/robe. Now tell me this isn't a Jedi pose from Star Wars? May the force be with you Dad..........

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