Well just lately this blog has contained endless pictures of Joshua at various locations and doing various activities - but very little on his development. So for today I will focus more on his progress towards recent changes in his growth and development. Firstly Joshua's weight is still steadily increasing, at his last weigh in he was 17lb 4oz up from 16lb 3oz 3 weeks ago. This can probably be attributed to the way he is eating lately. He seems to love his chicken and now also eats salmon, lamb, turkey and just every type of veg and fruit etc. Of a morning he is even tucking into a bit of toast which is great for his fine motor skills and his hand to eye co-ordination with feeding himself. The only food we have found that he does not seem to like is banana.
Joshua tucking into a slice of toast.............

After a good feed up of minted lamb, it is time for a nap in the high chair!

Joshua's sleeping is getting very good. Most nights he has had dinner, a story, a wash/bath, cleaned his teeth, a bottle feed and then into bed by 7pm. Generally he will then have a top up milk feed anywhere around 11pm and after this he sleeps right through to 6am nearly every night. The little guy is desperately trying to get mobile at the moment and is very close to crawling. He can quite happily roll from front to back and then back to front and manages to shift himself around on the floor in order to reach toys. The only slight problem with him gaining this kind of mobility is that he no longer stays in the recommended sleeping position in his cot and we often wake up finding him upside down or sideways etc (see picture below).

As you would expect Joshua will happily sit upright now completely unsupported. He cannot quite sit-up on his own from a lying position but he is desperately trying, It must be such a frustrating time for him because he just does not want to lay in one place and wants to be up and about. The problem is he does not yet have the ability.
No more new teeth just yet, still only his bottom two which seem to be getting plenty of use with breaking down toast and white chocolate!
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