Tuesday, 30 September 2008

J2 is 20 Weeks Old

I know I promised a daily update from Joshua's holiday to Lanzarote all of this week. But for today I will interrupt this plan for another special update since it was J2's 20 week scan. We managed to get a good viewing of the new addition to the family, the little heart beating, the little feet wriggling etc.etc. However since J2 was curled up so much they could only complete around 75% of the necessary measurements and certainly could not tell the gender (not that I want to know this time around). So we have got to go back on the 9th of Oct for another scan. Anyway here is the picture of J2 taken today.

Monday, 29 September 2008

Lanza"Joshie" Day 1

We're back! Late last night we returned home from Joshua's first holiday abroad having spent a week in the sunny Canary Island of Lanzarote. As you can well imagine there is lots and lots of pictures, videos, stories and memories to tell. So for this week you can expect a day by day blog update on Joshua's experience in Lanzarote.

Overall the holiday was really fantastic. The first 3 days were a bit stress full as Joshua was not eating a thing and was being sick a lot. We never really got to the bottom as to whether it was his new teeth, the flight, the temperatures or just a big. But fortunately he soon started eating and keeping his food down and the second half of the holiday was much much better.

Anyway the holiday all started with a trip to Gatwick for Joshua's first ever aeroplane ride. Upon arrival I kept the little man occupied by walking around the airport. Joshua seemed to raise many smiles and got chatting with lots of people including one of the female airport police officers (chatting up the ladies turned out to be a common theme for Joshua's holiday!).

After all that walking around, Dad still expected the little guy to push the luggage trolley around. Would you believe one of those cases was completely filled for just Joshua, so me and Tina had to share the other case!!!

Whilst waiting for boarding it was time for Joshua to don the shades and practicing looking a cool dude.

Once on the plane his initial reaction was lots of excitement and a very keen interest to see what was going on outside the window. Despite Joshua not having his own seat, we were fortunate on the way out to have a spare seat and so Joshua got to spread out and be more comfortable.

Once Joshua was bored with looking at blue sky and clouds it was Dad's turn to entertain the little guy (and everyone else on the flight) with a few verses out of Joshie's nursery rhyme book. Karaoke eat your heart out!

After all that excitement Joshua finally decided to catch 40 winks for the last 2 hours of the flight. Overall he was very well behaved on the 4 hour flight and enjoyed a couple of walks up the aisle way to greet all the fellow passengers.

Once in Lanzarote the little guy woke up but had to wait for Dad to go and collect all the luggage. Time for a quick drink and nappy change before catching the coach to our resort in Playa De Pocillos.

And after the long journey we finally arrived at our destination ready to begin the holiday (and hopefully some relaxing).

Check in tomorrow for Day 2 of the holiday.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

1st Class Travel

Who remembers this? It was almost exactly 11 months ago to the day when baby Joshua returned home from hospital having his first ever car ride in his rear facing seat. I remember driving home so slowly that I must have stayed in first or second gear most of the way in case I hurt my new precious cargo.

Well times move on and 11 months later here is Joshua proudly sitting in his all new front facing car seat. Now the little dude can be a real back seat driver and travel in style with views out of all the windows.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

First Steps

One day before his 11 month old birthday and look who's taking his first steps. Words cannot describe the amazing feeling of watching your little baby finding his feet and taking his first steps. He can now get to around 6 or so steps before falling down or grabbing hold of something.

"Phew made it, that was fun!"

And off we go again.............

Its been a while since the blog featured a video clip - but I think Joshua's first steps are well worth adding to this site - see below.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

First Steps

Breaking news - Joshua is taking his first steps. It all started tonight in the swimming pool. I was in the baby pool with him where the water comes up to around his chest height. Anyway I started walking through the middle of the pool with him just holding onto one hand, then I let go and he walked all the way to the side of the pool on his own. He then repeated this several times.

To build on this further, when we got home tonight we had a visit from Dad and Diane. They were witnesses to the little man taking about 4 or 5 steps on his own and even standing for a fraction of a second balancing without holding onto anything. The best way to get him walking seems to be to get him going whilst holding a hand, then let go and he continues on until he either falls or finds something to grab.

I will try and get some pictures/video of his first steps over the next couple of days. In the mean time though, for today's picture update here are some snaps of me and Joshie out on the bike last weekend. Tina and J2 were feeling a bit tired and needed an afternoon nap, so me and the little guy went out for a nice cycle around the park and then onto the swings for about 45 mins.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Cheeky Monkey

Joshua continues to be a cheeky monkey lately. He is still doing the fake cough every time someone around him coughs or even clears there throat. In fact this morning he was asleep on our bed and I was in the hall way. I had a cough and Joshua woke-up, did his fake cough to take the mickey out of me, then went back to sleep!!!

He is also getting a little monkey with his mobility. If there is a door or drawer that can be opened, then he will open it. If there are buttons that can be pressed, he will press them. Basically you need to watch him 24-7 at the moment. Twice we have unknowingly forgotten to close the bottom stair gate and found the little dude half way up the stairs!!!

On the subject of mobility - Joshua is now walking with the lightest of support in just one hand (see pictures below). Surely it is only a matter of time now before the old chimpanzee type walk with the hands in the air starts.

Joshua has also now learnt where the house alarm is turned off. When we come into the house he opens up the key-code unit for you, lets you type in the number and then closes it up. Clever little boy eh.

Don't forget Joshua's 1st birthday in just over a month. If you are stuck for ideas then his birthday list can be found at http://www.whatidlove.co.uk/, just search for list NR 16158. Just to clear up some confusion you do not have to purchase directly from the website. You can buy any of these items in the shop and then still log onto the website to mark off the item as bought so that no one else gets it.

Finally, where are all the votes for J2's weight. 13 people voted on J2 being a little girl - but only 4 people have an opinion on the new babies weight.

Monday, 8 September 2008

Copy Cat Learning

Its been a while since I just wrote about how Joshua is developing. So for today's blog update here is a little bit about how he is growing up and some of his funny ways.

Firstly Joshua is clearly showing signs of "copy cat learning". As with all babies a lot of his learning is based on watching other people around him and simply copying. This has been evident with his ability to learn to wave and his repeated head tapping at the dinner table every time you scratch your head! But the really funny one so far is his fake cough!!! As we have all been a bit ill lately there has been a lot of coughing going on around him. Well Joshua has obviously picked up on this sound and when ever anyone coughs around him now he makes the most pathetic fake cough sound almost as if taking the mickey out of you. Just as long as he doesn't learn to employ this fake cough to get sent home from nursery!

Joshua practicing his waving:

Secondly colours - Is it possible for a 10 month old to already have a favourite colour? It seems Joshua is starting to favour the colour Blue (like Auntie Nicky). When playing with his toys he always seems to grab his blue cups first, or in the bath its his blue shapes, or in his walker it’s the blue shapes.

Notice the colour of the shape he is playing with......

Thirdly vocals - Joshua is a very vocal little boy who seems to be very chatty all of the time. Even the nursery have commented that he is a very "happy go lucky" type of baby who always has a lot to say for himself. His vocabulary is growing by the day with more and more sounds being added to his repertoire. There is definitely a "mama", "dada" and "nana" coming out and I am sure sometimes you can here a "baby" - whether he is talking about himself or J2 is anyone's guess.

Fourthly mobility - Joshua is now very mobile. OK so he isn't quite walking on his own, but if you do not keep an eye on him he can be gone in a flash. With his walker he will quite happily chase around the house and with the furniture to provide support and his new Clarks shoes he is also quite happy doing the baby "cruising". The downside of this is like any baby (and in particular boys) he is starting to get accident prone and only this morning was sent to nursery with a cut and bruise on his head (it won't be the first or last time I am sure).

The latest battle scar after diving off the bed this morning......

Food - Joshua has really taken a liking to two things recently, firstly his yoghurt's and secondly Yorkshire Pudding (or toad in the hole). Give him one of Tina's home made Yorkshire's for Sunday dinner and he is as happy as Larry.

Nursery - Joshie is very settled at nursery now. Fingers crossed he seems to be lasting the full 4 days a week lately. He has bonded with the staff really well now and we always get good feedback and comments like they wish some of the other babies were like him. He no longer cries when we drop him off in the morning and happily goes over to a member of the staff for his breakfast. The best bit is when you go to pick him up in the evening I like to just stand at the door watching him until he looks up and notices me. Then you get a big beaming smile once he catches site of you and then darts across the floor to come and greet you with a hug.

Finally Joshua is still very open and free with his kisses these days. At the moment you still get the open mouthed gold fish dribble kiss, but he will learn.

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Company Car

Today I picked up my first ever company car having recently been promoted. As you can see from below Joshua was very keen to check out the new wheels (literally) - tomorrow he will get his first ride in the new car with Mummy at the wheel. Poor Dad gets to work his cotton socks off for 20 years to earn a company car and it looks like Joshua and Mummy will be pinching this one and relegating Dad to the old car!

Don't forget to check Joshua's birthday list. Items have already been purchased from the list so get in quick before all the good stuff is gone (Joshua doesn't want any socks or aftershave!).

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

Birthday List

Hi all, sorry for the lack of updates again. This time the excuse is that I have been ill and needed some time off of work to recover. I think Joshua decided to bring home loads of bugs from nursery and pass them all onto Dad one week before he is due to race in the WorldGym Challenge!

Anyway the poll is now over for whether Joshua will be having a brother or sister. The result is a unanimous 100% (13/13) voted for a little girl (do you all know something I don't?).

Finally as many of you are aware Joshua's first birthday is rapidly approaching. A 1 year old is pretty easy to buy for with a simple trip to the ELC or Baby-R-Us, but for those that are stuck for ideas I have set up a birthday list website (see below for details).

Joshua's First Birthday's wish list number is 16158. Please go to http://www.whatidlove.co.uk and click on Find a list on the right hand menu. When you have found the list, you may like to save it to your favourites/bookmark it, so that you can go straight to it the next time. You do not have to buy directly from the websites and can purchase items directly in the shops if you like. If you do this though could I please ask you to still log onto the birthday list website and mark the item as bought so that we minimise the amount of double. If none of these items take your fancy then clothes are always a safe bet, 12-18 month is the smallest to buy though.