Firstly Joshua is clearly showing signs of "copy cat learning". As with all babies a lot of his learning is based on watching other people around him and simply copying. This has been evident with his ability to learn to wave and his repeated head tapping at the dinner table every time you scratch your head! But the really funny one so far is his fake cough!!! As we have all been a bit ill lately there has been a lot of coughing going on around him. Well Joshua has obviously picked up on this sound and when ever anyone coughs around him now he makes the most pathetic fake cough sound almost as if taking the mickey out of you. Just as long as he doesn't learn to employ this fake cough to get sent home from nursery!
Joshua practicing his waving:
Secondly colours - Is it possible for a 10 month old to already have a favourite colour? It seems Joshua is starting to favour the colour Blue (like Auntie Nicky). When playing with his toys he always seems to grab his blue cups first, or in the bath its his blue shapes, or in his walker it’s the blue shapes.
Notice the colour of the shape he is playing with......
Thirdly vocals - Joshua is a very vocal little boy who seems to be very chatty all of the time. Even the nursery have commented that he is a very "happy go lucky" type of baby who always has a lot to say for himself. His vocabulary is growing by the day with more and more sounds being added to his repertoire. There is definitely a "mama", "dada" and "nana" coming out and I am sure sometimes you can here a "baby" - whether he is talking about himself or J2 is anyone's guess.
Fourthly mobility - Joshua is now very mobile. OK so he isn't quite walking on his own, but if you do not keep an eye on him he can be gone in a flash. With his walker he will quite happily chase around the house and with the furniture to provide support and his new Clarks shoes he is also quite happy doing the baby "cruising". The downside of this is like any baby (and in particular boys) he is starting to get accident prone and only this morning was sent to nursery with a cut and bruise on his head (it won't be the first or last time I am sure).
The latest battle scar after diving off the bed this morning......
Food - Joshua has really taken a liking to two things recently, firstly his yoghurt's and secondly Yorkshire Pudding (or toad in the hole). Give him one of Tina's home made Yorkshire's for Sunday dinner and he is as happy as Larry.
Nursery - Joshie is very settled at nursery now. Fingers crossed he seems to be lasting the full 4 days a week lately. He has bonded with the staff really well now and we always get good feedback and comments like they wish some of the other babies were like him. He no longer cries when we drop him off in the morning and happily goes over to a member of the staff for his breakfast. The best bit is when you go to pick him up in the evening I like to just stand at the door watching him until he looks up and notices me. Then you get a big beaming smile once he catches site of you and then darts across the floor to come and greet you with a hug.
Finally Joshua is still very open and free with his kisses these days. At the moment you still get the open mouthed gold fish dribble kiss, but he will learn.
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