Wednesday 3 September 2008

Birthday List

Hi all, sorry for the lack of updates again. This time the excuse is that I have been ill and needed some time off of work to recover. I think Joshua decided to bring home loads of bugs from nursery and pass them all onto Dad one week before he is due to race in the WorldGym Challenge!

Anyway the poll is now over for whether Joshua will be having a brother or sister. The result is a unanimous 100% (13/13) voted for a little girl (do you all know something I don't?).

Finally as many of you are aware Joshua's first birthday is rapidly approaching. A 1 year old is pretty easy to buy for with a simple trip to the ELC or Baby-R-Us, but for those that are stuck for ideas I have set up a birthday list website (see below for details).

Joshua's First Birthday's wish list number is 16158. Please go to and click on Find a list on the right hand menu. When you have found the list, you may like to save it to your favourites/bookmark it, so that you can go straight to it the next time. You do not have to buy directly from the websites and can purchase items directly in the shops if you like. If you do this though could I please ask you to still log onto the birthday list website and mark the item as bought so that we minimise the amount of double. If none of these items take your fancy then clothes are always a safe bet, 12-18 month is the smallest to buy though.

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