The little guy seems to get smarter and smarter every day. It is amazing how much babies pick up and learn from you at only 13 months old. For example on Saturday he pulled a set of keys out of Tina's bag and started trying to insert them into the keyhole on the front door. He watches us using cutlery and mimics the actions with his spoon and also copies your hand gestures / movements. He has also now learnt how to "high five"!.
On Friday Joshua got to listen to the heart beat of J2 as we had another midwife appointment. All is well and it looks like we will get to see the baby again soon as they have now offered us an additional 36 week scan. This is just an extra precautionary scan to check the babies size since Joshua was such a large baby. Fingers crossed we won't be able to tell the babies sex (even though Tina is itching to find out!).
For today's picture here is a cute little shot of Joshua wearing one of his new Arsenal footie shirts that he got for his birthday.

This weekend has been fun with Joshua. On Friday he went back to PartyMan with Mia. On Saturday he met up with Millie and Joaben for a play down the gym while Daddy was training. And then today we took him back to the cinema to watch Ratatouille. The little guy watched the first 15 mins, then fell asleep for an hour, then woke for the last 15 mins!.
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