Thursday 27 November 2008

The Penthouse Suite

Breaking news today is that we finally got planning permission for Joshua's Penthouse Suite up in the loft including his own personal bathroom. Building work will probably start in the next few weeks and will take just under 3 months to complete. In preparation for the builder to come and measure up for ordering of materials I spent today clearing out the loft ready (no mean feat I can tell you!). It took 6.5 hours and has resulted in two bedrooms full of boxes plus the garage roof all boarded out and full up, and a sore back for Dad!. Lets hope Joshua and J2 are not hoarders like their Dad!!!

Anyway here are the "before" pictures of the loft. As Joshua's penthouse suite develops I will keep you posted on the updates. PS Joshua will only get the benefit from having the whole top floor to himself for around 6 months or so. Then he will have to share with J2 since the plan is to put two new rooms upstairs.

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