Sunday 7 December 2008


Seems like a long time since I last updated Joshua's blog - but theres a good reason. Just over a week ago he had his one year booster jab plus his MMR. They advise you that there can be side effects between 8-10 days after the jabs and boy have we had them. Pretty much constant sickness for a week and in between that the little man has been burning up. So instead of spending spare time taking pictures and writing this blog, I have been changing cot sheets, endless amounts of washing, dis-infecting carpets etc.etc.etc.........

Anyway since Joshua is a little under the weather we had a pleasant day today just pottering around the house. We managed to get some nice pictures of Joshua sitting at his own little table and chairs eating his cheese on toast.

Hummm, who has the biggest bite - Mummy or Joshie?

Yuuuummmm, tasty tasty cheese on toast.

And for pud it was a nice plate of chopped fresh fruit (the little guy had a fight on his hands to eat this before Daddy did).

And after all that eating it is time to throw the clothes (and Joshie) into the washing machine for a quick clean-up!

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