Thursday 11 December 2008

Christmas Party Soon....

Joshua is really getting into the Christmas spirit now. As you can see from below he has taken a real liking to our Christmas train which is in the front garden. Also yesterday he made his Christmas party hat at nursery all ready for his first Christmas Party which is this Friday.

Fingers crossed the little guy is now over the side effects from his MMR - touch wood there has been no sick for about 3 days now (phew). You can tell from the picture below that he is back to his usual inquisitive self. Surely its only a matter of time before I find a little pair of legs hanging out of the washing machine. Its such a big exciting world for him to explore……….so much mischief to get up to!

Is Joshua bound for a desk job one day in the future??? He seems quite at home sitting at his little table and chairs and playing with his toys.

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