This blog was started to share the life of our first baby who was born on October 18th 2007. As the years have passed our family has grown and the blog now also includes Joshua's little brother Brandon King who was born on January 29th 2009 and his little sister who was born on 28th November 2013.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Joshie's Got Talent
Sorry folks been real busy lately and got a bit lazy with the old blog. One thing for sure is that two babies is more than twice the work of one and therefore finding time to do the blog is getting harder and harder. Anyway to start with today here are some piccies of Joshua giving Brandon a little snuggle, Brandon wasn't too impressed but Joshua was very good. Do you like the matching tops we bought them from Lanzarote last year.

Here's a little picture taken this weekend of cousin Amy giving Brandon a bottle feed. Now try and get a burp out!!!
I hear there is a new series of "X-Factor" or "Britain's Got Talent" starting soon. Joshua has been spending time time refining his vocals ready for his application video.
Joshie is also still very much in the climbing phase. His latest achievement is that he an now climb the living room window seal without the need of any boxes etc to get a leg-up.

I think I might of mentioned that one of Joshua's new words is "dart". Unfortunately for me when ever he sees the dart board in the kitchen all we hear is "dart", "dart", "dart" I have to pick him up and give him the darts. Then one by one he hands them to me to throw at the dart board. After all 3 darts have been thrown he gives you a little clap and then you have to charge the dart board to collect them ready for the next throw. This is fine until you have thrown about 3 or 4 times and then your left arm is about ready to drop off!!!!
Monday, 23 March 2009
Mothers Day Pt.2
First of all some good news with Brandon - Tina got the not so little guy weighed today and he has increased from 6l6 15oz 3 weeks ago to 8lb 8oz today. That's a whopping increase. But despite this great increase and the fact that he is now 7 weeks old - Brandon still weighs less than Joshua did when he was first born!!!!
Anyway Mothers Day Part 2 - if you think Tina was spoilt yesterday then check out the butterfly mothers day card and the mothers day cup cakes which Joshua made at nursery. How cool are they?

Anyway Mothers Day Part 2 - if you think Tina was spoilt yesterday then check out the butterfly mothers day card and the mothers day cup cakes which Joshua made at nursery. How cool are they?
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Happy Mothers Day
Well today has been a very busy mothers day. Its weird how for years and years and years mothers day is all about your parents. Then suddenly you have children and you have to change mindset to realise it is also about your wife. Have two babies this year has meant for more expense, time and effort on my part to buy presents, cards etc.etc. in addition to remembering my own Mum as well. Still fathers day to come, get ready to put the feet up (NOT!).
Anyway here is a nice little picture of Brandon on the bean bag.
And hear is the little dude having a bit of playtime.
Last week we tried Joshua with some jelly for the first time. Despite the pictures below, this was a bit of a disaster. Whilst he enjoyed playing with the jelly and its texture, it didn't stay in his mouth for very long.

Brandon has received lots a lots of cuddles today from many different people. It all started with his friend Millie down the gym this morning.
Then it was Millies Mum's turn for a cuddle. She also had a go at feeding the little guy this morning whilst Daddy slipped in a quick training session.
And hear is a picture of Tina's Mum with her two daughters and three grand children. 3 Mum's celebrating mothers day.
Back home and it was time for Mummy to spend some time with her two boys. It is very difficult to get a good shot of all 3 of them together as Brandon needs lots of support and Joshua doesn't sit still for 2 seconds. Forget even trying to get a picture of the 4 of us!!! Joshua made Mummy a nice mothers day card at nursery this week and also sort of helped me make her breakfast in bed this morning - I say sort of help because his contribution was stuffing letters in the washing machine!!!
Anyway here is a nice little picture of Brandon on the bean bag.
Friday, 20 March 2009
The Battlestar!!!!
As promised here are some more pictures of Brandon. The little guy gets bigger and bigger buy the day. He is slowly showing signs of settling down but still seems to sleep better through the day than the night. His bottle feeding is coming on very well, although he seems so slow compared with when Joshua woofs down a bottle 4 times the size, 10 times quicker. Check out the hair in the piccy below!!!
Brandon is also now starting to open his hands more and will grip hold of things if you give them to him. Last night we made some moulds of his feet and hands which seemed to go a lot easier than when we tried with Joshua.
Joshua's speech is coming on amazing lately. It seems like everyday he is learning new words or at least trying to say new words. Some of his latest include "more", "football", "dog", "sit-down" etc.etc. But the worst one he has picked up is no thanks to Tina - if I am upstairs then she shouts up "Jay" - well Joshua has now started saying "Jay" instead of "Daddy".............not happy with that one!!!!!!!!
So all that being said you must be wondering why this blog update is called "The Battlestar". Well it is with reference to our new toy! The Battlestar Galactica (ok so its only a Galaxy but Galatica sounds better!). Now I feel like a real family man driving around in my full size MPV. I have to admit I have always been against these kind of vehicles, however having two young children with child seats, shopping, gym bags, nursery bags, double buggies - this vehicle is a blessing in disguise. OK so the 7 seats is a bit over kill, but the interior space is amazing. I think we will struggle to go back to anything smaller after driving around in this bus. Anyway here are some snaps of Joshua playing with the Battlestar.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Maldon Trip
Not many words for today's blog updates, but lots of pictures. Mostly of Joshua - so I promise the next blog update will feature far more of his younger brother. So lets start with the little dude showing off his new outfit from Nanny King.
Joshua has started to copy everything you do these days. Earlier I was flicking through some brochures for bits for the loft and the little guy just grabbed one of his books and came and joined me.
This next picture I can assure you Joshua did not copy from me. He has now found where the box of beer bottles are stored in the kitchen and often helps himself to a chilled one!
As the weather was so nice today we decided to take the boys over to Maldon for the day. Brandon slept all the time and hence there are no pictures of him. Joshua was great though - there was no stopping him. As you can see from the pictures below he had a great time and completely knackered himself out.
Joshua was fascinated with the swan in this picture as it was making a nest.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Sunday, 8 March 2009
DIY ToughGuy
No real theme for today's blog update, just bits and pieces really from the last few days.
Firstly here is Joshua hard in training for ToughGuy 2009. So much for the no climbing on the furniture rule!!
Yesterday Tina picked up these new slippers for baby Brandon - I am sure he will thank her for these one day!! On a different subject Brandon can now hold his head up very well on his own. The poor lad still suffers from hiccups and awful lot and is extremely difficult to wind. Joshua was pretty much self winding it was so easy, but Brandon is very stubborn with his burps.
Another little snap of Daddy with his little dudes. Oh why did I buy cream furniture and paint the walls magnolia?????????
Since Brandon will need the high chair in a few months time we decided that it is time to start getting Joshua used to the booster seat at the dinner table and thus using a big boys chair. I have to say that the first few attempts have been a major success and he seems to really enjoy it. Of course it means the flying food is far more likely to either land on mine or Tina's plate, or even hit us.

As I mentioned last week the loft conversion is coming along nicely. I have taken Joshua up there a few times to explain where his new bedroom will be. Sometimes though if you want a job done properly then you just have to do it yourself. So Joshua put on his builder hat, grabbed his hammer, and hit the wood work early this morning. I hope Brandon appreciates his big brothers efforts at DIY.
Firstly here is Joshua hard in training for ToughGuy 2009. So much for the no climbing on the furniture rule!!
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