Sunday, 28 November 2010

600 years ago.

Phew another busy weekend over with. Today started with Joshua's football club followed by a trip to the cinema to watch Toy Story 3. Joshua was enthralled in the film for about 45 mins to an hour - then he fell asleep on my lap and the rest was history. Brandon lasted about an hour before he started to get a but bored and fidgety - once again this coincided with running out of snacks for him to eat.

After the cinema it was home for a bit to eat before heading out to the 600 year old Chelmsford Cathedral. For months and months Joshua has been asking to have a look in a church and every time we take him the doors seem to be locked shut. So this afternoon we finally had a few hours spare and Chelmsford Cathedral (the place of my first graduation) was open to the public.

 Joshua standing at the entrance.

And little Brandon exploring the Cathedral grounds.

This is bar far the most amazing stained glass window in the Cathedral. How awesome is this?

This is a nice picture with a very colourful backdrop for the boys to pose against.

Joshua off exploring one of the isles if the Cathedral. Just around the corner from here there was a man practicing on the organ. Despite it being very very loud and echoing all around the Cathedral, I am not sure the musician appreciated be and Joshua singing the nursery rhyme, "pia, pia, piano, piano, piano........" as he played along.

Both boys were fascinated with the candles, especially Brandon who was fixated on them.

Time to say some prayers.

And for today's Sunday service your special guest speakers are.............

The next two pictures show some more nice stained glass windows which caught the boys attention. Probably because of the Lion and the Eagle.

And the final farewell as we say goodbye and head home for dinner.

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