Wednesday 23 March 2011

Cup Cake

Check out the latest chef in the family as he helps his mummy decorate some cup cakes.

Ta dah, who would like to sample the finished product.

With all this glorious spring weather it has been fantastic to get the two boys into the garden. One thing that has amazed me is how much they have physically developed over winter. At the end of last summer Brandon could barely negotiate the decking steps but is now up and down like a yo-yo. As for Joshua, well he is climbing on the roof of his play house and then reaching up for the plum tree branches. On Monday we even got out the water pistols (well water bazooka's) - check out Brandon with his BIG GUN. Next doors poor dog was going through hell with him squirting water over the fence (whoops).

The physical development of the boys is also very evident on the trampoline. Last year Brandon could barely stand on it, this year he is running around, jumping and has complete control of his balance.

And here is Joshua climbing onto the roof of the playhouse.

And here is a video file of his playhouse climb.

Another video file just to prove how good Brandon's balance is on the trampoline, "watch me Daddy"!

Looks like Brandon has been paying a lot of attention at Joshua's football club and has no problem negotiating the snake obstacle and then scoring a goal.

And finally check this out for speed! Just how quick is Joshua on his scooter now.

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