Friday, 18 March 2011

Sleepy Heads

At the weekend we was back out on the bikes exploring local parks around the Wickford area. Having already been football club and swimming, both boys were completely zonked. As you can see from the picture, this week both Brandon and Joshua were fast asleep in the trailer by the time we got home.

Speaking of football club Joshua moved up into the next class last Sunday and is now with one of his friends from pre school called Tommy. This was going to work in one of two ways, either the two of them would mess around and not listen to the coach or Joshua would feed off of Tommy and the two of them would work well together. Fortunately it was a case of the later and Joshua seemed to copy what Tommy was doing. The class itself was very different and more challenging that what Joshua is used too. I think it will do him the world of good as he was getting a bit bored in the younger class. He didn’t get everything first time on Sunday, but he did very well and even the coach said he did good for his first time in that class. There seems to be a lot more emphasis on dribbling with the ball and then being able to control the ball by stopping it with your feet.
Brandon’s potty training is not going well at all. I think this might have to go on the back burner for a few months as the little guy is clearly not ready. We let him wear big boys pants for a few hours in the afternoon and its like having a cat that you are trying to train to use a litter tray. Every now and then he comes up to you and says “pants wet, disgusting” and you find little puddles scattered around.

Here is a recent picture of me reading the boys their bed time stories. Its not always this easy to get the two of them to sit still and listen, but most of the time we have some quality story reading before bedtime.

Stair gates no longer serve their function for Joshua. The clever little chappy has figured out how to open and close all 4 of the stair gates we have in the house! I guess it was only a matter of time. I think one of the tasks for the weekend might now be to fit a high dead bolt onto the front door as Joshua has also now figured out how to use his bathroom stool to open that!

Both boys like our new red car that we picked up this week. The sliding rear doors are great for the kiddies and they have tonnes of head room. Given that the boys picked the colour they are both pleased with red and this morning whilst getting Brandon out to the car to go to nursery he was running out the front garden singing, “we got red car, we got red car, we got red car”.

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