Sunday 3 April 2011

Happy Mothers Day

Well first and foremost its mothering Sunday. So a big happy Mothers Day from Joshua and Brandon to their Mummy. Check out those smiles...........

Today was a typical Sunday morning for us and after getting the boys washed, dressed and breakfast it was off to football club and then swimming. During today's swimming session the boys had a good play on some inflatables such as this two seater aeroplane below. Brandon also decided to try a little experiment and jump in the big pool without his arm bands - so Dad did his Baywatch bit and jumped in for the rescue!

And the 747 takes off..........this is great if you have a bad back (NOT!).

After a nice Mothers Day lunch in Moza we ended up spending a bit of time in Bas Vegas where the boys had some fun in the arcades. Check out the two boys preparing for a motorbike race. This will be about as close as they ever get to a motorbike if Mummy and Daddy get their way!

Over the last 2 weeks or so I have been collecting all kinds of boxes and tubes etc. with the intent on allowing the boys to have a glueing session. Today we finally got around to it and both boys seemed to really enjoy themselves.

Brandon didn't quite get the idea and kept sticking things to his hand!

Joshua though was like a machine as he glued piece after piece to produce his "thingermejigger"!

"Taa Dah" - the final masterpiece. Our next craft session has got to be to get this "thingermejigger" painted.

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