Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Party Man Videos

Remember a year or so ago when I did a series of blog updates called "Daddy day care" where Tina was off doing some extra work and so I took some days vacation to look after the boys. Well once again it is "Daddy day care" time for all this week.

With a slight change in weather, yesterday we decided to stay indoors and head off to the old favourite Partyman World. Me and the boys were the first people in their and had the facility all to ourselves for about 30 mins. Brandon is really good now as he can pretty much navigate the entire play area on his own which means you no longer need to climb and carry him about.

But more shocking was Joshua. For the first time ever he managed to climb the giant volcano on his own (see video below). He was so proud of himself he was asking Brandon to put his arms around his neck so that he could carry him up to the top!!!!

Little Brandon is equally as daring and can now get to the top of the main climbing frame on his own and then descend the giant slide unassisted. As you can see the boys are wearing particularly slippery clothes today making the slide a bit fast.

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