Sunday, 1 May 2011

Its the safest place to be - Ponty Pandy

To start today's blog I have a few random pictures which have not made it on to some of the recent blogs for one reason or another. Firstly one of Brandon playing in a ball pit at PartyMan World.

Next Brandon just chilling on a sun lounger after a very tiring day out with Daddy.

The next two snaps are some shots Tina took when the boys had the paddling pool out for the first time this year.

So what is the title of this blog all about. Well Fireman Sam of course. The boys were treated to the Fireman Sam Rocks Show at the Cliff's Pavilion today. Both boys went dressed as fireman bearing walkie talkies and axes as well.

They thoroughly enjoyed the show and were completely engrossed for the full 2 hours or so. They were clapping and singing along having a great time to the hero next door. The interval ice cream was also very well received and woofed down by Joshua.

Here is Fireman Sam - the hero next door.

This is naughty Norman onstage. Not sure if there are any resemblances to Joshua's imaginary friend Harry who he is constantly telling off lately!

We could not have predicted what was to come after the show - Joshua was balling his eyes out wanting more! Half way home we had a full on tantrum where he didn't want to leave and wanted to go again. I guess you could say it was a resounding success and that we will be booking tickets for the July Bob The Builder show next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic blog updates, you seem to have so much fun,the commentary is brilliant, but i'm not sure who wears who out the most!