Thursday, 21 February 2013

Nick Nack Paddy Whack

Today's blog update is one of those catch up blogs with no common theme but various updates on a few different snippets of news from recent times. Firstly we had our 6 monthly visit to the dentist today and both boys were very brave. Little B stepped up to the plate straight after Mummy and climbed up in the chair all on his own. He opened his mouth nicely for the dentist and for the first time the dentist got the mirror and the air line into his mouth. For Joshua we have been advised that we should start to introduce him to adult tooth paste within the next 3 months as he is approaching 6 years of age and is likely to start losing his baby teeth soon. Both boys were given Angry Bird stickers for being so good at the dentist (gone are the days of lolly's).
Obviously this week is half term and Joshua has been off school. We could keep Brandon off of nursery as well but when we have already paid a month in advance I kind of feel obliged to send him in. This has meant telling him little "Fibbernarchi's" that after dropping him off at nursery, Daddy is going to work and Joshua is going to school. We seem to be getting away with it, but it is only a matter of time before he becomes wise to our little deception. Fortunately I only need to keep this up until September and then Little B starts school and has half terms himself as well.
Joshua is starting to take after me with a real enthusiasm for exercise. Today he showed me some sit-ups and he is getting really good at them now. He no longer cheats and leans to a side using his arms to push up. He can comfortably knock out a set of 10 strict sit-ups which I think is very good. I asked him if he practises sit-ups at school during P.E. class and he told me, no, they are not allowed to do sit-ups in case they bang their heads on the floor. What is the world coming too when kids are not allowed to do sit-ups in a P.E. class - health and safety gone mad again!
The boys are starting to develop their likes and dislikes for music and every time they hear a new song that they like then I download it and put it on their Innotabs for them, Some of their current favourites include Rihanna (Diamonds), Jessie J (Price tag), Tayler Swift (We are never ever getting back together) and Psy (Gangnam Style). I know this is a shocking selection of songs. However rest assured that their Innotabs also has some real music such as ACDC (Thunderstruck) and Korn (Shoots & Ladders) on them. Brandon absolutely loves the Korn song and has played it through about 6 times tonight singing along to the words. Tina isn't best pleased, but at least Shoots & Ladders incorporates the lyrics to nursery rhymes. God help the nursery if the ever sing "Nick nack paddy whack" as Brandon will sing his metal version and probably shock everyone!
Finally for today I have to confess I have been a bit lazy and lacked discipline in getting the boys to do their homework during half term. However we still had a bit of learning time in the bath tonight as the boys took it in turns using the soap crayons which Zoe bought them for Xmas to draw a letter or number on each others back and the game was to guess the character just from feel. This is a great little game to play and surprisingly both boys are very good at it. I think Brandon mainly likes this game because he loves squirming around in pleasure with the tickling sensation of the crayons drawing on his back.

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