Tuesday, 19 February 2013

WPT Kismet Poker Tour

Another first for the boys as this last weekend gone they got to enjoy their first family game of poker. That were pretty intrigued with the big poker table and the poker chips and so they partnered up with a member of the family to help out. To start with Brandon was my team mate and despite explaining the value of the chips, he did not seem to care and was betting very high value chips on very poor hands which we were not capable of bluffing. Needless to say me and Brandon were first to be eliminated. So then Brandon had to move on to his next victim!
Joshua was team mates with his Auntie Nicky.

Shirt stack Brandon with not many poker chips left.

Brandon moves on to his next victim after losing all of his Dad's chips.

How big does Joshua look sitting at the head of the poker table.

The boys look on as the flop goes down in the middle of the table.

Pirate Joshua with a big blind eye patch.

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