Monday 6 April 2015

Pontins Camber Sands Day 4 - Miniature Steam Railway

Day 4 of our Easter Holiday started with the kids all having breakfast in the Lunar bar with the Croc character from the Croc Crew. The kids had a great time getting their photo's taking with Croc and playing around with him, plus they were each given a colouring set and cap each. Then the icing on the cake was a nice cooked breakfast of sausage, beans, fried bread and hash browns.
The kiddies meeting Croc.

Croc crying as Holly wouldn't give him a high five.

Joshua settles down for his cooked breakfast.

Brandon was more interested on watching Croc than eating.

Holly polished off all the beans and the sausage.

Joshua caught on camera stuffing his face. He really didn't want anyone to see this picture.

We had heard that there was some miniature steam railways fairly local so after the kids breakfast we headed off to New Romney which was about 20 mins away to try and find the station. By now I am starting to get really sick of One Direction but fortunately this was only a 20 min journey. We eventually arrived at the RH&D Railway and them took a really scenic ride from New Romney all the way out to Dungeoness. At Dungeoness we got to see the Old Lighthouse and then the kids had a little play on the beach before we jumped back on the steam train and headed back to New Romney.

We arrive at the RH&D Railway.

This is what I call a proper miniature steam railway. Boys were very excited to have a ride on this bad boy.

This train is just about the right size for Brandon to be able to drive.

Inside the cabins is a bit tight for the adults, but the kids all fit perfect. Joshua is holding up the map showing our train journey to Dungeoness.

We were really hoping to be able to go to the top of one of the lighthouses at Dungeoness however unfortunately they were both closed. So instead we took a brief look at them, read a bit about their history and then went and played on the beach.

The Old Lighthouse rebuilt for the 4th time in the early 1900's.

Tina and the kids at the entrance to the Old Lighthouse in Dungeoness.

This was the other lighthouse that we found at Dungeoness.

Holly enjoying playing on the beach and trying to learn how to skim stones across the sea with me and the boys.

All three kiddies playing in Dungeoness beach.

Holly has got quite a throwing arm on her already.

Holly having fun walking back from the beach rather then being cooped up in the buggy.

What a beautiful happy little girl.

Holly on the carriage and ready for some lunch and then the 45 min train ride back.

And we are off........

Cheeky girl having her lunch on the miniature steam train.

She's growing up so quickly.

At the end of our journey the steam train lets off some steam, literally.

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