Saturday 18 March 2017

FG Football Tracksuit

Better late then never they say!!! For Brandon 8th birthday back in January we ordered him a personalised Forest Glade Football Tracksuit. Having been promised a 2 week delivery it was delayed, delayed again and then delayed some more. So 6 weeks after his birthday and about 8-9 weeks after ordering, and it finally arrived today. So now Brandon looks the part at Training and matches and looks like a mini-me. 
Father and Son wearing our Forest Glade track suits.
We keep joking to Brandon that they have initialled his one after "Burger King".
On another positive note Joshua had his first training session with the Puma's team today after our recent decision to pull him from the Tigers. He fitted in with the team really well and thoroughly enjoyed today's session. It was nice to come away from Forest Glade today with everyone happy, smiles on faces and finally not stressed at the way Joshua was being treated. Onwards and upwards...

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