Friday, 3 March 2017

World Book Day 2017

So yesterday was World Book day and once again all the parents of school kids have spent the last few days frantically searching around for book related costumes that their kids can wear to school. Meanwhile the likes of Tesco, Sainsbury and Asda have been rubbing their hands together with the extra revenue that this event nicely generates for them at the parents expense!
Anyway everyone saw Brandon’s Fantastic Mr Fox costume which went down very well. Some of his teachers were really impressed with his costume and it sounds like he was the only one in his school with this costume. Joshua was determined to go as Harry Potter which turned out to be a real struggle to purchase as everywhere we went they were either sold out or not in his size. Literally the day before I finally found one in age 9-10 and managed to snap it up. He was so excited about his costume and really looked good. On the down side it appears half the school dressed as Harry Potter hence why everywhere was sold out!
Harry Potter and The Fantastic Mr Fox.
Holly had no pre-school today but still wanted in on a picture with her brothers.

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