Sunday 9 July 2017

2017 Muller Anniversary Games at the Olympic Park

What an amazing weekend. It all started yesterday with me competing in the 3rd annual Rayleigh Crossfit games which for the first time was a mixed pairs event. I was paired up with a woman called Louise Chapman who I had never even met before as she trains in later classes and I am a 6am man. Anyway she was an absolutely awesome team mate and didn't let me down once battling to the very end. After 3 WODS we qualified in 1st place having placed 1st, 3rd and 2nd in the WOD's. In our semi final we qualified for the final in second place. Then we only went on to win the final WOD and br crowned champions.
Then today keeping the sporting themed weekend going we went to the Olympic Stadium with Auntie Nicky to watch the Anniversary Games. The games were jam packed with events as the Anniversary Games are on the diamond league calendar and it was full of Olympic champions and World Record holders getting race prep'ed for the World Champs in 4 weeks time. We got see see a World Record broken in the 1 mile walk, David Weir in his very last competitive wheel chair race, team GB 4x400m being awarded their Beijing bronze medals as the original bronze medal winners were disqualified due to drugs and so much more. A Brit won the 100m race although unfortunately Usain Bolt was not there today.
The head liner for the event was Sir Mo Farah in the 3000m and the atmosphere when Mo entered the stadium was just electric. Mo set off at a gentle cruise at the back of a field of about 16 runners. Then after a few laps he just eased his way through the pack like a hot knife through butter. With about 600m to go he put on the turbo and then led all the way to the finish. Quite amazing really when you consider 3000m is not his event and the field was pack with strong finishers.
Auntie Nicky's first visit to the Olympic Stadium to watch the Anniversary Games with me and the boys.

Head lining the days events was Mo Farah in the 3000m.

Not all of the West Ham branding had been removed from the stadium. Here is Joshua and Brandon in front of Noble's shirt.

We had great seats with a really good view of the action. Notice Brandon still wearing Joshua's 2012 Olympic Team GB shirt!!!

Me and my boys enjoying the athletics.

The discuss and pole vault were running first. I think our Brit came last in the discuss!

Women's pole vault action getting nearly 5m in the air.

We had the pleasure of watching David Weir in his final ever competitive race and an easy win for him.

Team GB 4x400m team awarded their bronze medals from the 2016 Beijing Olympics.

Some of the mascots entertaining the crowd in between races.

I think Holly would have loved the big bear mascot.

Auntie Nicky with Joshua and Brandon.

The main man Mo Farah warming up on the track.

A large field of runners set off for the 3000m race.

Lap one and Mo is in last place!!!!

Final lap and Mo is in first place, everyone is on their feet and the noise is unbearable.

The pyrotechnics celebrate Mo's victory right in front of us.

Mo kisses the track that his remains undefeated on. Fingers crossed he can keep that record at the forthcoming World Championships.

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