Last weekend Joshua and Brandon went on their annual Cubs
camping weekend and appeared to have an absolutely fantastic time. They have both
been on camps together before but this was their first camp since Brandon moved
up to Cubs. So after dropping the boys off at Belchamps on Friday night, me and
Tina had a very quiet and relaxed weekend with just Holly to look after.
On Friday night the Cubs had to set-up their tents and then
they all tucked in to a hot dog and settled around a camp fire. Not really sure
what else they got up to over the weekend as it is difficult to get too much
information out of the boys. We managed to get a few picture updates (below)
which were posted on the Facebook site. Other than that all we know is that
Saturday was mostly water related activities and games and Sunday was a woodland
hike and picnic.
They both came back extremely tired having been up at around
5:30am both days and by the sounds of it not going to bed until 10:30pm.
Although in reality with 4-5 of them sharing a tent I suspect that the actual
lights out/sleep time would have been much later.
Joshua and Brandon arrive at their 2017 Cubs camp. |
Brandon doing his bit as they set-up the tents. |
Camp fire and hot dogs on the first night. |
The early birds up at 5:30am on the Saturday morning. |
Brandon looking on as they pressurise a water bottle. |
Joshua having fun getting wet firing water bombs. |
Some domestics as the Cubs all have to do their own dishes after meal times (need to start this at home!). |
Some paddling pool fun to cool off in the heat. |
Food time inside the hut. |
Joshua getting smoked out as they do some outdoor backwards cooking. |
Not really sure what Brandon and the other Cubs are doing here. |
But water is leaking out everywhere. |
Brandon in the green shirt supporting some guttering as the team try to transport some water to a bowl. |
I think they failed the task so the leader pours the water over Brandon. |
Finally the team look organised and it might actually work. |
Action shot of Joshua at Cubs playing rounder's. |
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