Friday, 16 February 2018

Kings Lynn Mart Fair

Yesterday I took a day off work to spend some time with the kiddies during the February half term. As we didn't get to see the Norfolk family over Xmas we decided to head to Downham Market for the day to see Auntie Chris, Uncle Steve and Layla. The weather this week has been absolutely atrocious but we couldn't have picked a better day today. Suddenly we had blue skies, temperatures of almost 9 degrees and almost feeling spring like. To further add to our good fortune - it was £1 day at the fair so all the rides were only £1 per go. With 3 kids that helps a lot!!!!

Going to the Mart brought back some very distant memories of my childhood. The funfair was jam packed due to half term, good weather and £1 day. That being said there weren't really any queues and the kids all got to go on every ride they wanted too. There were plenty of rides crammed in to the Mart and in the end we was over there for nearly 3 hours. Brandon started getting a little green and had to calm down towards the end, but both boys and Layla were going on the biggest thrill rides there. Holly had plenty she could ride on and she also had a go on the bumper cars with me.

After the Fun Fair the kids all decided that they wanted a KFC for dinner. So we headed out of Lynn to find a KFC and all sat inside with the largest party bucket they had. We had a really good day and Layla seemed to love seeing her cousins and having kids her age to go on the fairground rides with.

Josh, Layla and Brandon on the Twister.

Holly on a little driving ride.

Amazingly Joshua didn't want to go on the Waltzer so it was just Brandon and Layla.

Can you spot a little Holly in this Big "Little" Wheel?

There she is.

Joshua and Layla ride on the Olympic Bobsleigh ride, how appropriate given that the Winter Olympics are currently on.

Brandon is somewhere up in that play house. I ended up being dragged through this to take Holly on it!

Holly negotiating the Lily pads in the play house.

Me and Holly look down on the others from the top of the play house.

Holly on a little Mini Waltzer for the tots. Love the face!

She was joined by her older brothers.

Layla and Holly on the bumper boat things (minus any water).

Me and Holly on the bumper cars.

Joshua took a bit of a knock on the bumper cars getting sandwiched front and back jolting his head back.

Holly on a helicopter ride.

Holly on the helter skelter (i drew the short straw and had to run up with her carrying her mat).

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