Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Meccano and Airfix Kits

Last Sunday Brandon had a football match in the morning and that was really all we had planned for the day. However with the beast from the East moving in and the howling winds making it feel extremely cold outside no one wanted to go out anywhere. So we pretty much stayed indoors and just played games, got a few jobs done and Josh and Bee spent some quality time with their PlayStation's.

In a desperate attempt to get them off the PlayStation's for a brief period of time I made them sit down with me and do some sort of craft activity. For Joshua he had to continue building a Meccano Ducati which he got as a Xmas present and we started a few weeks back. For Brandon he had to continue with his Red Arrows Airfix kit which was again a present which he got for Xmas.

Honestly with Joshua you would have thought he was doing some form of capital punishment and it was extremely painful getting him to concentrate for an hour or so. Brandon wasn’t quite as bad, but his Airfix kit was far too small and intricate for him to do, so I ended up doing most of the work with him spectating. Anyway I persevered with them both and got both bits finished in the end, I have to say I think they both look really good. If only kids of today shared by enthusiasm for Airfix kits and Meccano over a PlayStation game. Maybe I am a bad Dad for forcing parts of my childhood on the boys!!!
Joshua getting frustrated with some little components of his Meccano set.

But the end result looks pretty good if you ask me.
Dragged away from the PS4 and IPAD and completed something creative.
Brandon with his Airfix kit red arrow. Somehow he has lost the glass pieces!!! Now he needs to get it painted.


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